Your Questions About Baby Care

Nancy asks…

mother and daughter having a conversation?

Mother is in the kitchen making supper for her family when her
youngest daughter walks in.

Child: Mother, where do babies come from?

Mother: Well dear…a mommy and daddy fall in love and get
married. One night they go into their room…they kiss and hug and have sex. (The daughter looks puzzled.) That means the daddy puts his penis in the mummy’s vagina. That’s how you get a baby, honey.

Child: Oh I see, but the other night when I came into you and
daddy’s room, you had daddy’s penis in your mouth. What do you get when you do that?

Mother: Jewelry, dear.

The Expert answers:

Haha! Made me giggle so have a star.

Michael asks…

What’s the craziest thing your mother ever did when you were a child?

I remember when I was about 9, my mother took me and my sisters and brother to a dept. store. We were halfway home when she looked around and asked where my youngest sister was. She had left her in a baby seat at the jewelry counter of JC Penneys. We rushed back to the store and the woman at the counter told her she thought she’d forgotten something. She was really relieved. I guess I was worn out from a long shopping trip and didn’t notice she was missing either.

The Expert answers:

My mom and I were at a carnival with my younger sister and older brother. *At the time I was like 8, my brother was 12, and my younger sister was 3.* I was walking, minding my own business with my brother while my mom was looking for my sister. She went everywhere, looked in all the possible spots, and even asked an employee to announce my sister was gone. She was so damn scared, almost crying, and she got so upset, she actually went back in her car to call my grandparents. BOOM!! My 3 year old sister was in there! My mom was so relieved 😛 She realized she had forgotten about her. My sister was still in her baby seat, drinking juice or milk or something I don’t remember what it was 😛

Steven asks…

I have a piece of jewelry and i am not sure of it’s origins and how to get another one.

i was told it was a Hawaiian symbol for mother and child. then i was told it was not Hawaiian but a religious symbol. please tell me what it means and where to get it. thanks!

The Expert answers:

I don’t know anything about it’s origin or meaning , but if you want another one like it then just take it to a jeweller and they can make one exactly the same. My one time girlfriend is a goldsmith and made up items to order for customers all the time.

Mandy asks…

Moms: How many of you have “Mother’s Rings”?

I’m talking about a piece of jewelry (generally a ring, but not always) that has the birthstones of your children.

My mother has one, my grandmother has one, but I’m seeing fewer and fewer among mothers in their 30’s and younger. Is it a dying tradition?

I got mine for my last birthday!

The Expert answers:

I’m 47 and know no one who has one. I don’t (aw….) and none of my three older sisters do, either. No friends, either.
I still see them on sites and in catalogues, and they are so beautiful!
My mom had one – six stones, all lines up in a row; very pretty ring.
However, I’ve been actually thinking about it. We have only one child – so I was thinking of getting what’s usually called a ‘daughter’s pride’ ring, but do the stones to fit our situation, and the ring would be for me.
I’m a garnet, husband is a diamond/white topaz; son is opal or pink tourmaline.
Ah, now you have me thinking – hmmm – 20th wedding anniversary next year – might be an idea….

Sandy asks…

Mother, where do babies come from?

A mother is in the kitchen making supper for her family when her youngest daughter walks in.

The Child asks, “Mother, where do babies come from?”

After thinking about it for a moment the mother says “Well dear…. mommy and daddy fall in love and get married. One night they go into their room..they kiss, hug and have sex.”

The child looks puzzled. The mother continues “That means the daddy puts his penis in the mommy’s vagina. That’s how you get a baby, honey.”

The child replies “Oh I see, but the other night when I came into yours and daddy’s room you had daddy’s penis in your mouth. What do you get when you do that?”

The Mother says, “Jewelry dear.”
From Willys Jokes archives!

The Expert answers:

BIG Rocks!
If it’s done properly!

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