Your Questions About Baby Care

Linda asks…

I need to find dumbo cribs sets and baby mobile for the nursery. Where can I find them?

The theme my daughter has decided to use for this baby is Dumbo. How do I go about finding a crib set and a mobile for the crib?

The Expert answers:

I looked all over and all I could find was where someone was asking the same thing as you. Another person wrote back and said she had one. Maybe you could contact her and she could tell you where she got hers. Good luck hope it helps.

Betty asks…

Do baby crib bed sets come in different sizes?

I have a compact crib and wasn’t sure how to go about looking for a crib set for it. Would I have to look for specific sets for compact cribs, or do I just look for a bed set I like and see if it comes in a compact crib size? Or is there no difference at all except the mattress size? Help! Thanks =)

The Expert answers:

If you are talking about a porta crib then yes you have to buy specific sheets for them so that the fit right

Ken asks…

Do baby bedding crib sets fit all cribs?I’m scared to buy a crib set that does not fit my babies crib.?

When you see these crib sets they are so adorable but if you get them home they do not fit and you cant take them back then what.Has this ever happened to anyone.

The Expert answers:

Cribs all come in the same size. As long as you buy a crib bedding set, you should be fine. Make sure you don’t buy a set for a bassinet, though!

Mark asks…

why do baby crib sets come with a comforter but they can’t sleep with blankets?

Is it just for looks or do babies use it later on as they grow older?

The Expert answers:

I have always used blankets for my kids, my son is 2 1/2 and my daughter iss 5 months. As long as they can turn over on their own using a blanket or comforter isn’t a big deal.

Before she was able to roll over onto her tummy and back again I would use a swaddling blanket. She loved to be bundled.

And yes that comforter will come in handy later on, at first you can use it to drape over the crib like a decoration.

Jenny asks…

what is a good name to put on a lable for baby crib sheet sets ?

am making things for cribs eg bumper pillow.

The Expert answers:

It depends. Are you going super elegant with these or more country/charming? Your brand should envoke a feeling in the user (well, the parent of the user in this case!)

Check to see if whatever name you use is already taken.

Here are ones I came up with. I didn’t know your line so I made some more fancy and some more fun/sweet.

“Luvy Luv”

“Cloud Nine”

“Heaven Sent”

“Posh Cots”


“Tweedle Dee”

“Sweet Dreams”

“Over the Moon”

All I can think of right now.

All the best!


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