Your Questions About Baby Care

Sandra asks…

Do Toys R Us and Babies R Us have separate baby registries, or do they combine them?

In my city the Babies R Us and Toys R Us are separate. I’m registered at BRU but was wondering if I went to TRU if I had to create a new registry or if the items I wanted would go onto the BRU registry.

Thanks for your reply!

The Expert answers:

It should be on the same registry.
If you go online there are baby items at Toys R Us and if you register for them they go onto your registry. I am pretty sure it is all one registry whether it be from Babies R Us or Toys R Us.

Lizzie asks…

What is a baby registry for and why should i have one at a local “toys r us” store?

A lady friend of the family suggested me to register in toys r us for that baby registry thing,i have no idea what it is for…does anybody know what that is for,do they charge me,and i’ll be due in a month is it too late?

The Expert answers:

A baby registry is free. You typically can go to the service counter at Toys r Us, Babies R Us, Walmart, or Target to get started. They will give you a wand to use to scan products that you would like to receive for your new baby. You go around the store and pick what you want. Then, you tell your friends and family which store you are registered at. Most people will then go to that store and purchase something from you list (which they get at the store at one of the machines). When they make a purchase they need to let the cashier know that it is from your registry so that it will be marked as purchased. That way everyone knows what still needs to be bought so that you don’t get duplicate gifts. It is not too late to register as long as people are still going to give you gifts.

Linda asks…

Can you use a Babies R Us giftcard at Toys R Us?

I just had my baby shower and got a pack n play that I don’t need and I have my gift receipts. I called them and I can return it but I don’t need to buy anything from Babies R Us, can you use a Babies R Us giftcard at Toys R Us is my question?

The Expert answers:

You sure can we have done it many of times – it also works the other way round – ie. Toys R Us giftcard at Babies R Us.

Congratulations on your bundle of joy – Hope it is a smooth ride for you and your family.

Carol asks…

Do you agree with the Toys R Us baby contest decision?

A Chinese American baby girl born at midnight was disqualified from winning the $25,000 prize because her parents are here illegally.

Instead, the prize went to an American baby. Do you agree with their decision?
The rules clearly stated that the mother must be a legal US resident.

The Expert answers:

I do agree because (as you said yourself) it was stated in the rules that the parent had to be a legal resident. It would be a completely different story if the mom had a green card or a visa or something and the baby was still disqualified, but that isn’t the case. The rules didn’t say the mom had to be a US citizen, but she did have to be here legally, and as long as that is what the rules stated, I agree with the decision.

Sandy asks…

What is the website to purchase Toys R Us employee shirts?

I am a new employee for Toys R Us/Babies R Us, and need to purchase my shirts. The manager gave me the wrong website. I need the correct website to buy the shirts. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Go to this site
very helpful

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