Your Questions About Baby Care

Lizzie asks…

need advice please answer!!!~!~~!?

ok so i really don’t have many friends or close family so there was nobody to throw me a shower so me and my boyfriend brought stuff for the baby but now my mom is saying she wants to give me a shower and i don’t know what to ask for cause we have the majority of what we will need but i know ther is still things we wll need can you help me compose a list of what we have over looked?
we already have :
car seat
baby care cart
recieving blankest
snow suit
birp clothes
hats, socks,mittens
bottle brush

The Expert answers:

I would ask for:
Baby bath tub
Hooded Towels
Bath Toys
Developmental Toys
Teething Rings
Thermometer or Health Care Kit
Crib Bedding
Rocking Chair for Nursery
Picture frames

George asks…

Is there anyway that my friend can get custody of his ex girlfriends baby?

The baby is my god daughter and the mother of this child is unfit and unwilling to take care of this child properly. she has not been taking care of her for the last few weeks as she has carted the baby off to her mothers. My friend and her have just recently broken up and he is worried about the welfare of hte child (who is not his) as he has supported her when she was pregnant and after the child was born. Please Help!!

The Expert answers:

I VERY, VERY seriously doubt it. That’s aweful to hear:(.

However, even having a child put in foster care is extremely difficult. Which you SERIOUSLY wouldn’t want to do anyways. I think it’s something like 75% of people in prisons are from foster care. Really. I’m not positive it’s 75%, but it’s a number so high the first time I heard it I thought it HAD to be a made up number (heard on Dr. Phil). You didn’t get very specific about why he’s concerned about the welfar of the child….??? You said “she has not been taking car of her for the last few weeks as she has carted the baby off to her mothers”, which implies that there is no gross negligence, just that the baby is being dropped off at grandma’s. I’m assuming that this isn’t a daycare arrangemnt while she’s at work, I’m assuming you mean that she is just leaving the baby at grandmas for days on end without bothering to visit the baby. If so that’s definatly sad. But not negligent.

I’m so sorry your friend is going through this:(! Unfortunately it’s probable that even IF he proved her to be unfit (which by your description it just sounds like she’s leaving baby at grandmas, which is agian, unfortunate, but I’m assuming grandma is giving her lots of love?) that he would be VERY unlikely to be the next one in line to gain custody. IF mom lost custody, they would most likely consider biological dad for custody, & if dad is also found to be unfit they would then likely look at both sets of grandparents, and maybe even aunts/uncles who were interested in fighting for custody.

I have heard of cases where a non-biological relative (ie: ex-bf) was granted visitation, but the only cases i’ve heard of like that the ex-bf was involved in child’s life from birth to 6 or 7 yrs old.

He could try to get visitation (I really don’t think he’d be even looked at for custody since he isn’t biologically related), but I hope he has a large bank account and a good lawyer. I also belive success on these cases is rare (for the ex-bf).


Betty asks…

I found a baby blue jay how do i take care of it?

My cousin and I were riding on the golf cart around the pond and we spotted a little bird in the water. We thought it was one of our baby guineas but it was a baby blue jay. We tryed to make it fly away but it just sat there once we got it out the water. So i wrapped it up in an old t shirt and took it inside. It is currently sitting in the cloth in a box with little cups of bird feed and water. It has it’s feathers and it appears that it is almost ready to fly. It hasnt moved or walked. But it is alive. I’m not sure how to take care of this bird so if anyone knows anything please help!

The Expert answers:

It’s great that you got it out of the water, but you should have left it in the area – in a safer spot.

It’s illegal to take it home. All native wild birds are protected by federal laws. You cannot keep this bird – for any reason.

Take it back to the area where you found it and leave it under a bush, or in the lower branches.

The bird is a fledgling. Baby birds leave the nest (fledge), before they can fly. The stay on the ground for days while the parents continue to feed and care for them. Fledglings are supposed to be on the ground, and they DO NOT need to be removed from their parents, unless they are visibly injured or have been attacked by a cat.

If you find a fledgling in water, on a road, or in a yard with pets it’s ok to move the bird to a safer spot, within view of the original location.

Birds do not reject babies, eggs or nests that have been touched by humans. Birds can’t smell humans, as they have a poor sense of smell. They can’t even smell their own babies – they rely on sight and sound, not scent.

Birds will abandon nests, and babies if they are being threatened by predators, or harassed by people.

Please return the bird to it’s parents and leave the area so they can return.

Maria asks…

how to care for such a baby puppy?

Well my fiance and I were walking into wal mart yesterday morning to get some stuff, and there was a guy with a sign that said “Christmas puppies for sale” so of course I stop to look… he had a cart full of 8 tan and white puppies that can’t be older than 5 weeks old even though he said 8 weeks. i went inside to do my shopping and when I came back out he was down to 5… of course I took one.

the puppy is adorable, he eats dry puppy chow fine, but cries A LOT.. I just gave him a bowl of warm milk and he lapped it up vigorously and is now sound asleep doing the little puppy grunting.

he walks, but wobbles as he wags his little tail.

The guy said he is a lab mix, but he looks like a pit puppy to me.. at least 80 percent pit. I gave the guy $25 for him, he had 4 others when i left, i wish i could have taken them All. I am hoping they all got good homes, when i took mine, there was a crowd of about 20 people around him and the cart.

This guy was a scum bag ghetto thug just wanting money.. i couldn’t walk away without helping 1 of them.. he had them in a shopping cart with a blanket in with them… they were all huddled up together and kids/adults were poking and prodding at them, grabbing them up and putting them down like they were stuffed animals on a display shelf.

SO, I do not have the money to go and buy this puppy the puppy milk and bottles. I am caring for 5 other dogs and 5 cats. I just have a huge heart and couldn’t leave wal mart yesterday without helping at least 1 of these puppies.

What should I do??.. he seems to be doing ok.. he sleeps/eats/plays/poops/and pees just fine. I have him in a puppy bed which is inside a rectangular laundry basket with a big stuffed teddy bear,a heating pad on low, and a blanket. He slept in it last night all night and got up at 5am to eat/potty.

am i doing ok??.. I am wanting to keep him as does my fiance.. he is a little fighter and just the cutest thing.

Here is a photo of him..

and for everyone telling me to give him to a shelter or rescue, no i will not. He is better off with me than in a kennel all day where he could wind up dead.

I am home all day everyday and he will be with me at all times, i have a lot of time on my hands to care for him.
Animal hoarder?? I think not, but nice try.

Animal hoarders DO NOT take care of their pets and live in squaler conditions.

I DID live in an RV but as i stated then, it was TEMPORAIRY. I am now in a huge 4 bedroom home with basement, and HUGE fenced in backyard.. so shush!

I also have cash in my wallet, and 2 credit/bank cards as well if you MUST know.

I have christmas shopping to do for a family of 7! also more pets to care for!.. I will PROBABLY go ahead and buy the puppy milk replacer since he seems to need it and i do know that cows milk isn’t the greatest, but in a pinch its NOT going to KILL him to have a couple bowls of it.

A lot of you are dense and down right RUDE and think you are much wiser and better than everyone else…NEWSFLASH: You aren’t and you definetly aren’t perfect or gods gift to the animal world.
Animal hoarder?? I think not, but nice try.

Animal hoarders DO NOT take care of their pets and live in squaler conditions.

I DID live in an RV but as i stated then, it was TEMPORAIRY. I am now in a huge 4 bedroom home with basement, and HUGE fenced in backyard.. so shush!

I also have cash in my wallet, and 2 credit/bank cards as well if you MUST know.

I have christmas shopping to do for a family of 7! also more pets to care for!.. I will PROBABLY go ahead and buy the puppy milk replacer since he seems to need it and i do know that cows milk isn’t the greatest, but in a pinch its NOT going to KILL him to have a couple bowls of it.

A lot of you are dense and down right RUDE and think you are much wiser and better than everyone else…NEWSFLASH: You aren’t and you definetly aren’t perfect or gods gift to the animal world.

The Expert answers:

Just do the best you can do for that puppy you have whilst others have bashed you on here you have taken the puppy on so make sure you do the best you can for this puppy.

Carol asks…

how to clean old wood dog cart help?

ive got a dog cart thats been give me but its so durty and been left for years with out being cared for im wanting to bring it back to life so ive took it appart and started to sand it but still i cant get the years and years of grime off is there some thing i can use to claen the wood like turps or soap or baby oil what will lift of the dirt can any one help i hve bought something from a diy shop but its not much good

The Expert answers:

I may seem harsh but I have had good luck using a pressure washer to clean this type of thing. Obviously need to sand afterwards, but it seems, when careful, to do exactly what you want.

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