Your Questions About Baby Care

Carol asks…

where do you shop for baby products online ?

where do you shop for baby products online ?
for example, i use
for babygear , parenthood info etc’
or google groups for knowledge
where do you shop?

The Expert answers:

John lewis, mothercare.

Susan asks…

Baby shops online help ..?

What r good cheap online shops for baby stuff

The Expert answers:

Baby’s R Us

Donald asks…

Where to buy cheap name brand baby clothes online?

I am looking for a shop online where they sell name brand baby clothes (Gap etc.) for less than the name brand store. Do you know of any besides ebay?

The Expert answers:

Try, there’s a directory listing on the page with USA online stores – from memory I think Janie & Jack, and Gymboree are reasonably priced.

There may be some others listed there as well that are worth checking out.

Charles asks…

setting up an online baby shop yes/no?

hiya, i was thinking of setting up an online baby shop selling baby clothes as i cant go out to work. I would buy the items at a wholesalers and sell them for the RRP. Do you think this would be a good and successful thing to do?

Also would it be easy to set up a website to do this where people could view the items add them to a basket and have a checkout?

Thanks x

The Expert answers:

Yes thats a great idea ! Go to your local Jobcentre or business link and they will give you all the info and advice you need to set up a business.

You will also need to contact a web designer to help you set up a website, Good luck !

Laura asks…

would you prefer to shop online at an eco baby store or a frugal store that has all brand names but cheap?

Do you think more people would be inclined to buy their baby items at an online store that only sells organic, non toxic toys, clothes, towels, etc.

Or, one that has all of the popular brand names (fisher price, lamaze, bruin) and sells them for half of the price that the stores do.

Thank you!! I’m thinking about opening up one of these stores but not too sure what people would prefer.

The Expert answers:

I’m more of a target shopper. I buy very little, but when I do I already know what I want and what I want has value. I don’t really care what I have to pay to get it.

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