Your Questions About Baby Care

James asks…

is there any baby games online that you can take care of it feed it change its diaper and confort it?

The Expert answers:

I hope not. Oh, here’s one.

Steven asks…

i need somthing to play!?!?! it ahs to be online. i want to play baby games or aminal games, ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!?

BABY< ANIMAL< AND SHELTER games plz. i want to play these games online fun games to. girls games online and stuff like that.

The Expert answers:

Well there’s pets, and aliens! Check out this…

One of the BEST online games ever! Planet Cazmo! You can create your own 3D character, (called a Cazmo) you can customize it in so many ways, and buy Cazmo Cash and/or membership for it to get some neat items and features! There are also multiple programs that players can pariticpate in, example: Cazmo Cadets! And more! There are quests, where you can earn sweet clothing and rewards! Why they call it Planet Cazmo… Well its a whole PLANET! You can explore SO MANY places! It’s also VERY safe and moderated. Moderators come on very often and they are awesome! When one is not in plain sight, they are undercover, you are ALWAYS being watched! So there is no bad behavior, and if there is, the player gets punished. Planet Cazmo is for a huge group of ages, mainly teenagers. You can chat with your friends, and make new friends! People from all around the WORLD go on Planet Cazmo. Come and join today!! Not to mention CELEBRITY CONCERTS!!!

Sandy asks…

where can i go online and play a baby game ?

i want to play a baby game online for free without downloading, where i can feed, dress, clean, and that kind of thing.

The Expert answers:

Feeding Games

Donna asks…

is there any games online for free where you can have a baby?

but i want it to be a real free account where you sign up and actual have a baby! or any sims games online for free. NO DOWNLOADS!!!
thank you.

The Expert answers:

Go here and search baby
hope it works

Nancy asks…

online games baby name question?

My 12 yr old daughter plays this online baby game called
She already has two baby‘s a girl, Briella and a boy, Brayden.
But in her garden she has three seeds growing 2 girls and 1 boy and shes stuck on names.
girl options:
Catelynn: Cat for short
Kaela: Kay for short
Kaylee: Kay for short also
Peyton:Pey for short
Aubree:Aub for short
Audrie(ee):Aud for short
Ashlee:Ash or Ashy for short
Paige:Paigie for short

Boys options:
Bentlee:Bent or Lee for short
Tyler:Ty for shot
Micheal:Mike for short
Connor:Con for short
Bradlee(ly) Brad for short
Corey(ee?) Cor for short
Hunter:Hunt for short

also if you have and account on feel free to add my daughter, zoqueen.

The Expert answers:

Paige sounds kute and also micheal

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