Your Questions About Baby Care

Thomas asks…

I am trying to figure out furniture for baby nursery?

I am looking at a cherry sleigh style crib from target. It is a convertible. I already have a cherry color changing table and glider chair that someone gave me. I need a table to go next to the chair for a lamp and things. The crib collection does not have a night stand, just a dresser. What should I do? Should I buy a cherry nightstand somewhere else? use a small bookshelf? would white look bad with the cherry furniture?

The Expert answers:

I had the same dilemma last year. I needed a table of some sort to go next to the glider. I purchased a small round 3 leg table and put a blue table cloth on it that goes all the way down to the floor. It looks so cute with the nursery lamp on it.

Helen asks…

Matching dresser & changing table for baby crib.?

We have already picked out a crib, it’s the Graco Lauren 4-in-1 Dropside Convertible Crib. In White finish, from Target. My problem is I can’t seem to find a changing table and dresser that matches the crib. For it to match, I mean, the same color white (not antique white, or yellowish color, etc.) And the style of the crib too. If anyone has bought one of these cribs and has found matching furniture, I would really love to know the names/brand of them. Thank you very much.
Update: I actually found out that Graco has a matching changing table for the Lauren crib. It’s also sold at Target. I did not find a dresser though.

The Expert answers:

Just buy one and paint it the same color. Ikea has great variety

Sandy asks…

Can I order the exact fabric from a Target brand Circo baby bedding set?

My daughter recently moved up to a twin bed and out of her crib. I decided to change the colors and decor in her room as well. I knew the colors I wanted and began to search for bedding that matched these colors (brown, pink, green and blue). I found the PERFECT prints and patterns at Target, however, it’s a crib bedding set made by Circo. Does anyone know if you can order the same fabric they use from somewhere? Or who the manufacturer of the fabrics used in their bedding is? I’m not interested in buying the bedding from somewhere else since it’s crib bedding and I don’t need the actual bedding. Just wondering about the fabric?? Thanks!

The Expert answers:


Linda asks…

where’s the best place to buy reasonably priced modern-style baby bedding?

i’ve found great websites w/ modern baby items, but they’re like $500 for a crib bedding set! there’s a few cute Amy Coe items @ Target, but for those of us who don’t want cheesed-up over-coordinated sets, where do we go?

The Expert answers:

Try to just purchase some of the accent pcs in a pattern that you like and then pick one of the colors in it to use for the rest in solids. This serves the purpose of saving money and keeping it from looking too matchy matchy

Chris asks…

Which baby theme would you go with? (PICTURES)?

Well I asked a question earlier about a baby boys room theme. And was for sure what I wanted to do for a girls theme which was, Lady Bugs. Like Lady bugs, flowers and the colors Light pink and light green. I don’t know what I’m having either. I’m actually only almost 9 weeks haha I’m just so excited!
Well I was googling the ideas the people gave me for a boys room. I found so many CUTE things for a girls room and a boys. So I am going to post them all 🙂
Just want to know which ones you like. for a boy and girl. PLEASE don’t put anymore theme suggestions or what you would do different. I don’t want to get so many themes to choose from cause they are ALL cute haha.

just copy and paste the whole thing haha This is the only way I know how to do it. I HOPE IT WORKS






JUNGLE THEME: ( its the big picture-main page)


For the longer addresses, Tr copying and pasteing each line. Like it wouldnt let me put it straight across. So try that. It SHOULD work.
Well thats not working either. I don’t like that! THOSE 2 ARE SO CUTE TOO! If you want to see the ones that you can’t see then send me and I.M. kitty_081106_love

The Expert answers:

GIRL- STRAWBERRY its super sweet, cute pink and girly!

BOY-JUNGLE looks so well done, and a boy will definitely love jungle theme!! : ](only thing is that the bed doesnt look so safe! You could choose another crib though)

you did a good job at scoping out some baby room themes!! ( :

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