Your Questions About Baby Care

Donna asks…

Are there better deals at Walmart or Babies r Us? Have you bought baby things at both?

Where I live at they are both spreaded out from each other. I never been to a babies r us before. I looked at there website and it seems like they have a nice mix of things. Walmart always has deals on everything I never paid attention to the baby section. I am just trying to decided which one to go to this weekend.

The Expert answers:

I would say on diapers and formal, walmart is better

For strollers and car seats I would go with babies r us

I register at Toy’s r us because, my family lives in three different state then I do. My husband family lived in two different states. We were dealing with people in five different state plus the one I live in

My child was long, and she out grew her first car seat at 4 months
We need a rear facing one. We asked her safety officer what car seat was the best, she told, us. A year later, she was to long for that one.
We went in to a babies ur us, and had my daughter sit in the car seats, to see which one she had the most room in. Walmart does not have the selection.

Different things are better at different stores

Target, I love for baby stuff

Mary asks…

does anyone have a babies r us coupon code?

Hi everyone! I had received coupons for babies r us but i lost them 🙁 Anyways, does anyone have the coupon code for the 20% off any one item?

The Expert answers:

I always get mine at . Try there

Richard asks…

Anyone know a good website where I can download free coupons for Babies R Us?

I am looking for a website that gives not only online coupon/discounts but also printable in-store coupons for purchases at Babies R Us.

The Expert answers:


Check about halfway down – you’ll see

Babies”R”Us is one of the premier baby product retailers — the largest baby product specialty store chain in the world and a leader in the juvenile industry. We provide a unique and enjoyable shopping experience for our guests both in our stores and on-line. Our commitment to guest service, our broad product assortment, and our unparalleled level of special services (which includes an extensive special order department, a state-of-the-art baby registry service and a Mother’s room for attending to babies’ needs and more) all add up to the an outstanding experience for you, our guest. Possible coupons Sign up for Toys R Us Email and Babies R Us Email.

PRINTABLE TOYS R US COUPON: $5 off $25 Purchase (thru 04-30-07)

NEW PRINTABLE BABIES `R US COUPON: Save $5 off $25 Purchase- can only open window once! If you want more than one, print multiples ! (thru 03-04-07)

This is a great site if you have kids, BTW

Paul asks…

Purchased an Item from babies r us yesterday, got 20% off coupon today. Will they price match?

I have already purchased an Item from babies r us yesterday and today I got a 20% off coupon in mail. Will Babies r us match the price and give 20% off?

The Expert answers:

You can return it…..get the store credit….and then re-purchase it with the 20% off coupon. Just make sure the coupon doesn’t exclude your item (it should be in the fine print).

Sharon asks…

Is it true there is a babies r us in bankstown sydney?

hey guys can anyone tell me if they know we have babies r us in sydney, nsw. i heard theres one in bankstown but dont know where.

The Expert answers:


Toys r us website lists it as a new store open at

Unit 14
Home Central 9-49 Chapel Road
Ph: 02 9790 3246

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