Your Questions About Baby Care

Betty asks…

is target or babies r us nursery furniture good quality?

also are the all in one cribs that change with the growing baby a good investment?

The Expert answers:

I bought a few things at Target for my nieces baby and they were super..lasted well and my niece was able to pass them on to others who needed them…

Mary asks…

what are the best baby products to use?

what is the best stroller to use (i prefer travel strollers that come with the car seats)
which is the best infant tub to use?
also should i get bassinet or crib?( i probably want bassinet because i always want baby in my room for the first couple months)
and what are some good bouncers,swings,etc?
i have looked at babies r us target all those stores but i just cant decide?

The Expert answers:

I have this bassinet:,finish_types-bin,target_com_primary_color-bin,price,collection_name-bin,item_styling,target_com_brand-bin

I love it because it has storage space below.

Infant tubs are basically all the same, but here’s the one I have:

With a crib, make sure you don’t get one with a drop- down side. They were recalled about a year ago. My boyfriend’s mom bought us a beautiful Pottery Barn crib, which I love, but my daughter still sleeps in her bassinet.

We don’t have a baby swing, but I’ve heard that this is a good one:,target_com_category-bin,target_com_brand-bin,target_com_primary_color-bin,price

This swing is the latest and the greatest, but it’s $200….:,target_com_category-bin,target_com_brand-bin,target_com_primary_color-bin,price

We have the Graco Travel System stroller that comes with a matching car seat:,style_name,target_com_brand-bin,target_com_primary_color-bin,price

Hope this helped!

Mandy asks…

Good store to buy cheap cribs/baby clothes/strollers?

I found this stroller that I am IN LOVE WITH at babies-r-us. Its a stroller and a car seat combined. It’s freaking amazing. It’s also $170! So I would love to know of anywhere that offers cheap/discount prices on good quality, attractive baby stuff? Links, please? I’ve look at walmarts website and targets.
I’m only 8 weeks pregnant. But I want to have it all when baby comes.


Email me, if you’d like. The info is on my profile. It’s so much easier than doing this through questions.

The Expert answers:

Target has cute cheap baby thing ….catch them on sale..

I did

I got my crib from there reg 250$ I got it for 200$ & also if you dont have a target card & start one that day you will get a 10% discount.

Babies r us is expensive.

Anyway good luck .. Shop around you have plenty of time.. Also dont forget you ll probably have a baby shower 🙂

Sharon asks…

Where are good places to buy cheap baby items (crib/stroller/carseats/etc)?

Trying to save some money and the environment too, so I am going to consignment shops and thrift stores for clothes and such, but I would like to buy the crib/carseat and a few things brand new. Any suggestions? I’ve been to Target and walmart. Can anyone think of other places to go?

The Expert answers:

Im getting a new crib and car seat and nursery set new from wal mart. Stroller i found used along with the other stuff he needed. Oh! And a few baby supplies (lotions, bottles, breastfeeding things etc.) will also be new.

Kmart also has low prices and cute items. Also, maybe try Thats where I found most of my things.

Donald asks…

MIL/Baby items/Crib/Ranting?

Months ago my mother in law said – ‘Don’t buy anything, I want to buy everything for the baby‘. Which at the time, I thought, AWESOME. We don’t have to worry about buying our baby the big items he will need.
Now – I am due in 7 weeks. She hasn’t bought any of these ‘big’ items.
I have bought a stroller – nothing special – I got it on clearance – $40 – something we can use next summer – when he won’t need to be in the carrier.
I bought a swing – I love this swing – it turns into a toddler chair. I love the print as well – something you can only buy at Target (or so I have heard). I got this for $10 – regularly $100 – I used gift cards.
Also last night – I found a crib at Target on clearance for $80. I couldn’t turn it down. I mean come one $80!!

Anyway – being she said she wanted to buy everything – am I stepping on toes here? Should I not be buying stuff?
She is on vaction out of the country until early Sept. I am due end of Sept.
Plus she only wants to buy stuff at Walmart – she works there – gets a discount. And to be honest…. the selection at our Walmart is pretty lame.
Again – Am I being rude buying things? I am in the nesting stage and I really want to be ready for my little guy.
Also – and other ‘big’ items I can tell her to get us?
I know we will need a
crib mattress
baby monitor
high chair (for down the road)
travel system stroller

Also – while I am here do you like the crib and swing I got?
Like I said I got the crib for $80.
I ended up getting the swing for $10.

Sorry – if you actually read this thanks. I know it was random babbling and random questions!

The Expert answers:

Just let her know what you need and that you were concerned about getting things set-up early, just-in-case, so you got some things while they were on sale.

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