Your Questions About Baby Care

Carol asks…

Where could I subscribe to free baby magazines?

That I don’t have to do the stupid survey things?
I know there are sites and stuff for that, but every time I google it I end up going to websites that require me to register for all this stuff and complete all these surveys… and that’s lame. I’ve -never- had any survey thing actually result in me getting a product without having to spend a lot of money and time on stuff I don’t need or want.

I’m a first time mom and expecting around September. I figured I should get a headstart on knowing things (since this was unplanned and I never planned to have children lol) and a baby magazine subscription would be good.

I know my friend once got a few in the mail for free after going to planned parenthood but I don’t know how to go about registering.

Any help?

The Expert answers:

I did this too when I had my first baby.
I found this
Just scroll down until you see the free subscription box on the right hand side in the middle of the page.
Good Luck Mama! I know how it is.
Oh and if you want you can register yourself at

Hope this helps

Donald asks…

free baby items?

i found out im going to have a baby and right now our budget is tight and the thing im looking for the most are diapers because we can get most other needed stuff from our friends who dont need them but other items would be great too so if anyone can recommend me to a site to get samples or coupons in the mail that be great and thanks for your help

The Expert answers:

Have you checked out ?

That site is awesome for free samples of all sorts, they add a new one every day which is sweet. They dont make you fill out surveys or gimics either. You can sign up to your newsletter as well to get the free sample e-mailed to you, but it is not required.

You can check for baby products specifically here:

Laura asks…

Does anyone else get those free Baby Magazines? I threw my out and need the name of a toy! Please help!?

I threw my out and want the name of a toy that was featured in the magazine I got this past Monday. The toy was a little horse train set. the entire thing is stored within a stuffed animal and it was really adorable. PLEASE HELP!! I’d love to get it for my daughter’s first birthday but cannot remember the name.

I think it was in the latest American Baby but may have been Parents or another one of those freebie ones you get in the mail.

Thanks for your time!
Thanks. I’ve been to the websites but couldn’t find the article. It was on one of those “cool finds” page so it may not have warranted being uploaded to webpage. It may have been another free baby mag too. I live in Rhode Island and got mine last week.. Oh, I hope someone can find it for me!!

The Expert answers:

It has the horse with the train set. It was in American Baby.

Chris asks…

Free Similac diaper bag?

I was just wondering if anyone has signed up on I signed up and it said that I would receive a free diaper bag. I wanted to know if they are talking about the one you get in the hospital or if they will mail you one. And if they mail you one what all do you get in it? Also if anyone has any other websites for free stuff for babies I would appreciate it. I am due in Aug. and I could use all the free stuff and samples I can get thanks.

The Expert answers:

I signed up for the same thing, and I think the way I read it is you get it at the hospital. had some stuff.
But sadly, any free baby stuff I found you have to do one of the surveys where have to buy stuff first.

Now, there is a yahoo group called freebabystuff. Here again it is a hit or miss kinda thing.
Another yahoo group is called ParentsFreebiesandResourses.

Good luck

Joseph asks…

Good freebes for pregnant moms?

I am pregnant and know that some websites will mail you free stuff and coupons for your coming baby. Any good sites?

The Expert answers: and
use code Family2011 and you can get one of each free, you still have to pay shipping but it’s a great deal!

Those are the only ones i know besides the traditional huggies, pampers…etc…

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