Your Questions About Baby Care

Laura asks…

Where can I find an online list of recalled baby products?

I bought most my baby gear back in 2007 and now that I’m bringing it out again I have randomly come across a couple recalls. Does anyone know where I can find a complete recall list from 2007-present? In particular I am concerned about my Delta drop side crib.

The Expert answers:

Go to the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission) website and you can search for any product on the market. I just went on there to supply the link for you and the Delta Cribs are on their MOST WANTED LIST for recalls due to a safety peg issue. You can follow them on Facebook, Twitter and email. The site is very user friendly. Its so great you thought about looking these things up-so many people don’t and just rely on the warranty card to be notified on recalls.


Betty asks…

When did you transition your baby to a toddler bed?

My son is 17 months old. Jardine has recalled his crib and we have to take pieces off of it to send them in so that we can get a voucher to buy a new crib. Isn’t that dumb?! That means…no crib for a good month! Is he ready to just transition to a toddler bed yet? I was thinking about getting him a toddler bed and then saving the new crib for our new baby on the way. When did you switch your baby from crib to toddler bed?

The Expert answers:

We have 2 of the same crib in our house. If it’s the same recall the slats are just prone to breaking and no deaths or injuries have been reported. It’s a voluntary recall and we only received a $275 voucher (we paid over $300 for the crib)

I kept my first in a crib until she was 3 and plan to do the same for my second. He’s only 2 now.

David asks…

I am having trouble finding anything on Hopkins baby cribs…. help?

I need to know if it has been recalled becuz it doesn’t seem all that great and my mom got it for my daughter.

The Expert answers:

I’m pretty sure the bribs were by Simplicity that were recalled. They had a drop down side that was being installed upside down when people assembled them. I found a website for you…

Joseph asks…

does anyone know if this is on the recalled cribs list?

does anyone know is the golden baby natural 900 lugano conv. crib is on the recalled list? If you’d like to see a picture of it let me know. Just want to make sure its not. thank you. oh btw if its not on the list does anyone know where i can find the manual & screws for the crib thank you!

The Expert answers:

Go to the manufacturer’s website. They have the recall info and manual and contact info for more hardware.

Michael asks…

crib recall ho to tell if mine is part?

I have a Jardine Capri lifetime crib, I looked at the number on the frame and it is 0308coowb dated 10-2008, as i look at all the recall info online i dont see that exact date, but how do I know my crib is safe for my baby?

The Expert answers:

We have a crib (bought new in Dec. 2008) that was part of the storkcraft crib recall (just the mattress brackets were recalled) on anything made from the late ’90s to like Jan. ’09. It’s probably going to be cribs made during a time period since they are all cookie-cuttered and made with the same parts. Check with Consumer Product Saftey Commission, i wanna say and they’ll have more info about the recall there under the baby section. I know trying to get through to storkcraft during their recall was impossible, i tried for a month and a half and ended up sending a complaint to CPSC that i couldn’t get ahold of them, email or phone (you could reach them by phone after hours and get a message saying “please call back during business hours” how convienient, huh?) all you would get is a busy signal from the time their business hours started to the time they closed. I emailed the CPSC with my complaint that i coulndn’t get through to them, 24hrs later i had and email from someone from CPSC asking my info so they could get parts out and would be registering a complaint against the company.

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