David asks…
Now that my move is done, I can decorate my baby’s room the way I wish. Where can I find Metallica wall decals?
Me and my baby‘s daddy are huge fans of Metallica, and want to raise our son as a fan too. He loves listening to their Black album while we take road trips and of course we want the nursery to be themed around the song, “Until it sleeps.” Where can we find Metallica nursery items? we still need a crib bumper, receiving blankets, and wall decals that are Metallica themed. Target, Walmart, Kmart and Babies R Us were no help. Any ideas?
The Expert answers:
Eh, I don’t think you’ll be finding any baby stuff w/ Metallica on it. I’m sure you can get your hands on some fabrics or whatnot that you can make curtains or bed sheets out of that have their logo or stuff on them.
If you have the Live Sh*t: Binge and Purge box set, I believe there is a stencil in there. You can start with that.
Chris asks…
Is Dorel a bad brand of cribs? I have heard about a lot of recalls in the past?
I read that they are known for being responsible for the largest recall of cribs in history. However, I saw a nursery set sold at Walmart, manufactured by Dorel, under the “Baby Relax” label that looks really tempting. Only $230 for a dresser, crib, and changing table. Is this safe, or too good to be true? Does anyone have recent experience with Dorel Cribs, specifically under the “Baby Relax” label sold through Walmart?
Here it is:
The Expert answers:
I have a dorel set as well. The reason they have recalls is to improve their products. The main thing with these sets is to put them together well. The stores don’t assemble them properly – they rush the Assembly. We checked ours out before hand and saw that we could do a better job of putting it together. We did and we’ve used all pieces for 17 months now and my daughter climbs all over it with no problems. If you are worried you could always check their website for an updated recall list.
Helen asks…
How long would a mini crib last before a baby grows out of it?
I don’t mean a portable crib, like a crib with all the features of a full-size one, but smaller.
Like these:
The Expert answers:
Under that first link under the Q&A part there is a question that asks how long can baby stay in it. And the answerer said as long as a reg crib. Which i think is correct especially since this particular one turns into a toddler bed when ready. It looks like it you got this one it would just grow with the child.
William asks…
Did your baby’s room get decorated according to plan?
Very early on in my pregnancy, I had dreams of what I wanted my baby‘s room to look like and had several themes planned up and so on and so forth. When I found out I was to be having a girl I was ecstatic. So when the time came for me to actually buy all her stuff (around 4 months preg) we had a money situation and the bank account was drained. So I waited a few months in agony of an empty bedroom waiting to be decorated and adorned with all things pink and strawberry shortcake.
Our bank account was replenished and I got the green light to go nuts. I got online and went to the website where I would finally get my heart’s desire and everything I wanted was sold out! I was very unhappy. So I went to my #2 site and just as I was going to click “checkout” the compy malfunctioned and I said to hell with it and would do it later.
The next day my hubby found out that he was getting a very large pay cut and all the money I had for the room was going to have to be used sparingly to buy only what she needed with no pricey spending. So I ended up getting a pink, green, and strawberry shortcake red ten piece crib set for $100 which was a very good price though I would rather have had something cuter, but it was cute enough. We bought the cheapest crib from walmart, which was a simple basic white crib and the cheapest car seat as well which I was very unhappy about. It was blue plaid with a hippo on it. So not cute. The bassinet was only $50 and it was pink and white plaid, and very cute. The stroller we got was $20 bucks and black and gray. Not too happy about that either, but we don’t use it much and at least it isn’t blue. We found some cute wall hangings for her room at a low price. Some at garage sales and some were given to us. We bought the paint for her room but my hubby never got around to painting. Her walker is orange, blue, and green with some purple, again, the cheapest at walmart but it was also given to us. Her bouncer was blue but it was from my hubby’s work, and you can’t beat free. Her play mat was pink though, and definitely not the cheapest. Her stationary jumper is Baby Einstein and we spent about $100 on it. And our biggest splurge was a $170 swing that she hated until 2 ½ months old. I love it. We still haven’t purchased a high chair though, but the one we do get is going to be… blue! Ha. Her next car seat will be pink with flowers on it, at least.
But, we had an unplanned induction 2 weeks early and never put her room together. She ended up co-sleeping with me. It was so much easier.
I definitely make sure she has the cutest girly outfits we can find though… most of them, again from walmart. So my baby antics didn’t quite add up but simple gets the job done, I guess. I’m sure not many boys get girly stuff like my girl gets boy stuff, but by the time she will actually remember things we will have the time and money to get her all the girly things her heart desires… but irony will probably strike and she will be a tom boy.
So my question to you is—did everything turn out like you planned? Or did you get to dress up your baby’s room just like you wanted? Or did you even care?
The Expert answers:
Yes, pretty much. We didn’t find out if she was a girl or a boy until she was born, wanted it to be a surprise the first time so we picked green as the color- very gender neutral. And her furniture is simple white painted wood furniture from pottery barn. I love decorating though, so I put a lot of time and effort in to it.
Carol asks…
Which baby crib should I buy?
I cant decide please help!!
Its for a Boy
Crib #1 $148
Crib #2 $149
I plan to keep as long as possible
The Expert answers:
I like the 2nd one for a boy. It looks more masculine. They are both gorgeous choices.
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