Your Questions About Baby Care

Laura asks…

What is pay scale for managers at babies/toys r us?

I have made it through the first round of interviews and am going to meet with the district manager this week. Does anyone know what the pay range is for entry level managers?

The Expert answers:

Between 20 to 26 k plus benefits.

Lisa asks…

Is there any other stores besides babies r us & baby depot that I can buy baby furniture, toys ect at?

All the stores I wanna shop at are 2 hours away and dont hav the time to drive far away. There has to be other stores. I kno theres Walmart but where else?

The Expert answers:

Try Arsa Toys online! They have really great deals and ship stuff out quickly.


Maria asks…

There’s a Toys R Us kids and a Toys R Us baby,why isn’t there a Toys R Us adult?

The Expert answers:

Good idea. I want to be the toy tester.

Ken asks…

Any problems with the toys r us/babies r us chase credit card??

i opened a toys r us chase credit card and now chase is going back on their rewards policy. im wondering if anyone else had issues? problem IS NOT WITH TOYS R US/BABIES R US IT IS WITH CHASE CREDIT CARD COMPANY!!!! curious to see if anyone else has encountered this…

havent gotten any coupons, had a few coming to me now they want to give me $10 not 10% off. wont even answer my fax which they asked me to send. or emails or return phone calls. obviously im not the least bit happy with their customer service..

The Expert answers:

They resently changed it from a 10% coupon to a $10 gift certificate when ever you have 1000 points. You do not earn points when you use the deffered payment/intrest option though.

Other than that I have had NO problems whats so ever — recieved alot of the 10% offf reward coupons. Yes I use my card alot…

Donald asks…

Do the Columbus, oh babies r us or toys r us allow you to stack store coupons and manufacturer coupons?

Please only answer with info specific to Columbus, OH I am aware policies vary store to store and every city has a different answer.

The Expert answers:

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