Charles asks…
What episodes from Naruto have Naruto and Sasuke faighting?
The Expert answers:
Episodes 128-135
Ruth asks…
How do I publish and sell an ebook?
The Expert answers:
Http:// is an ebook store for self- and indie-published ebooks. They take a 15% cut of sales, but it they don’t charge anything to put your book on their site, and it’ll be available in several different ebook formats, so it works on almost any ebook reader. Their Premium Catalog feeds into the iBook store, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony & Kobo, so you’d get broad distribution if you qualify.
Http:// has more details; to qualify for premium, a book needs to be formatted correctly and have cover art, and a few other details.
Mobileread forums discuss all aspects of ebooks, ereaders, and digital publishing, and they’ve got an author self-promotion forum at; you could check that out to see how other authors are promoting their ebooks.
To be successful with ebook sales you need:
1) Quality writing. And don’t convince yourself that you’re the best judge of that; find someone objective to critique, edit and proofread your work before you release it to the public.
2) An eye-catching book cover, that looks good in the tiny space given to ebook covers in webpages.
3) A well-written description.
4) A price that’s within your target readers’ preferred range.
J.A. Konrath’s blog goes over all aspects of self-publishing;
Nancy asks…
What is a reliable fast and easy way to make cash by completing online surveys?
The Expert answers:
There are many sites that advertise on-line surveys. A lot of them are scams, but some are not. The easiest way to tell they are scams is if they ask for money up front. No legitimate survey panel will ask for money, they are all free to join.
As to “reliable, fast, and easy”, I can say that in my 5+ years of doing surveys I have found a number of reliable panels that pay. Not all surveys are “easy”, but most are. Fast is another matter. Most panels require you to build up a minimum $ amount before they will pay you, and sometimes payment requests take a while to process.
That said, if you join a number of legitimate panels and do their surveys regularly, you can build a pipeline of regular income as well. Now you will not get rich doing surveys, but you can easily make $100-$200 a month.
So bottom line is they are not all frauds. The sources below should help you find the legitimate ones to get started.
Ken asks…
What on earth would have prompted Mr and Mrs Bieber to name their daughter Justin?
The Expert answers:
Bieber is an ‘it’. Simple as that.
Its parents should be studied in captivity to identify what went wrong, to ensure such biological disasters do not happen again.
Carol asks…
What eye and hair color could this child have?
The Expert answers:
There’s no telling. I have dark eyes and hair and my husband has green eyes with strawberry blonde hair and our boys all have dark brown eyes and hair, a couple of them have blonde streaks around the baby hair areas, we have four boys. Two of them are really white completed, like my husband and two are a bit darker, like me. And it’s not that the darker genes took over because my aunt is darker than me and married a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes and her kids have blue eyes and light brown hair.
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