Your Questions About Baby Care

Ken asks…

what was the first child NAME BORN OF ENGLISH parents in america.?

it was in the recorded history of virginia.

The Expert answers:

Virginia dare

Laura asks…

What would you name a child born on Halloween?

Im curious about what people would name their children if they were born on Halloween, October 31. List both boy and girl names please!

The Expert answers:

— Luna Willow
(Luna after the goddess)(Willow after the tree)

— Damien Jack
(Damien after “The Omen”)(Jack after the pumpkin)

Steven asks…

what is the function name to name the new born child?

what is the function name to name the new born child?

The Expert answers:

If you are Christian, it is called a Christening.

Here’s a link that should answer any questions you have on this subject.


Nancy asks…

What would you name your first born child?

Male or female. Or both. Or a hermaphrodite.

I don’t care.

I’m thinking… Optimus Prime.

The Expert answers:

Mephistopheles Tainthammer

Robert asks…

Should I name my first born child Stormageddon?

I think it’s quite a lovely name.
Stormageddon will be the Dark Lord of All.

The Expert answers:


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