Your Questions About Baby Care

Richard asks…

PLEASE help me to find this songs..?

please help me to find this sooo confused..I hav given below the lyrics of the songs which um searching..I tried searching in google but both of the songs matches with the song called “kiss the rain ” by yiruma n “the river flows in you “by yiruma…I tried downloading both of the songs from different sites but I always get the instrumental versions..can anyone please give me the link to download both of the songs(with someone singing on it) n which matches with the lyrics . please :”(

I hav given the lyrics of both of the songs below..
“the river flows in you”
Well I tried
But I won’t give in
That’s alright
‘Cause I’m going to win
Now I know
I’ve got to let you go
Now I see
You were never meant for me
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
I remember the love in your eye
When you took my hand and said goodbye
I don’t know where the river flows
But now I’m free
I’m not going to go down again
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Come on)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, baby)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Baby, I need it)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
“kiss the rain”
I often close my eyes
And I can see you smile
You reach out for my hand
And I’m woken from my dream
Although your heart is mine
It’s hollow inside
I never had your love
And I never will
And every night
I lie awake
Thinking maybe you love me
Like I’ve always loved you
But how can you love me
Like I loved you when
You can’t even look me straight in my eyes
VRS 2/3
I’ve never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren’t you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave
The waters calm and still
My reflection is there
I see you holding me
But then you disappear
All that is left of you
Is a memory
On that only, exists in my dreams
I don’t know what hurts you
But I can feel it too
And it just hurts so much
To know that I can’t do a thing
And deep down in my heart
Somehow I just know
That no matter what
I’ll always love you
So why am I still here in the rain

The Expert answers:

Belllas Lullaby Duhhh

Nancy asks…

Please help me to find this song ?

I hav downloaded the songs called “kiss the rain ” by yiruma & “the river flows in you” by yiruma..but the problem is its the piano versiOn..its instrumental no matter how many times I download it 4rm several sites..I thought maybe its just a instrumental music but it has a lyrics which means I dunt hav the original version where someone singing on it.. I want to download both of this songs with someone singing on it..please help me..can anyone please give me a link to download both of both of the songs(with someone singing on it)

I hav given the lyrics of both of the songs below..

“the river flows in you”

Well I tried
But I won’t give in
That’s alright
‘Cause I’m going to win
Now I know
I’ve got to let you go
Now I see
You were never meant for me

Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight

Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back

I remember the love in your eye
When you took my hand and said goodbye
I don’t know where the river flows
But now I’m free
I’m not going to go down again

Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Come on)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, baby)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight

Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back

Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot

Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight

Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Baby, I need it)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight

Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back

Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah

Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah

“kiss the rain”

I often close my eyes
And I can see you smile
You reach out for my hand
And I’m woken from my dream
Although your heart is mine
It’s hollow inside
I never had your love
And I never will

And every night
I lie awake
Thinking maybe you love me
Like I’ve always loved you
But how can you love me
Like I loved you when
You can’t even look me straight in my eyes

VRS 2/3
I’ve never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren’t you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave

The waters calm and still
My reflection is there
I see you holding me
But then you disappear
All that is left of you
Is a memory
On that only, exists in my dreams


I don’t know what hurts you
But I can feel it too
And it just hurts so much
To know that I can’t do a thing
And deep down in my heart
Somehow I just know
That no matter what
I’ll always love you


So why am I still here in the rain

The Expert answers:

Yiruma is a Pianist
The songs are both instrumentals, there are just other songs with the same title that have those lyrics

Carol asks…

Could I be able to get child support dismissed?

Help a brother this is my situation I told this young girl i was dating to get an abortion because i already have 2kids but 2other different and she broke up with me because of the abortion thing. I did not care because i had another girlfriend who i was living with. Anyway I am now married to the girlfriend. So I have a wife and 3babymamas. Now I was childsupport dissmissed for this last babymama because i never showed up for appointments and her fathers friend is her lawyer. This evil white trick. All she do is put stuff in her head. Now that I did not show up she stalked me and got all my information even my moms house. The white trick sent me a subpoena to my moms and house. She now was able to withold money from him. I am unemployed I got a letter from unemployment saying they will withhold from unemployment and they are already taking out for my daughter. My oldest son livs with my mother. Another reason they should dismiss it is I never took a dna test. I did not show up they said i had 30 days. I know the child is mine i been denying him because of my wife and fianances. The evil white trick only gave me 30 days i told the girl to take it off and the white trick convinced her to listen to her another reason i feel i should not pay is cuz her boyfriend is a well known radio personality and he helps her and they got nice cars. He has dissed me on the radio, sO CAN I SUE HIM? anothter reason i should not pay out my money is because she dont need my little money shes even got a song on the radio the other day. on interview she said shes a single parent and her boyfriends helps her with the baby. she gave a shoutout to the evil white trick her name is karen. TALKING ABOUT ROLE MODEL.That white triCK just wanna c me down. sHE ONLY AROUND FOR MONEY. i never knew she was gonna be a star. Then i told her we need to get together for the baby the white trick brainwashed her cuz now she always so busy and use to talk to me a few months ago. sO cani sue them for money if they talk about me on the radio. Can i get it dissmissed because the girl has more money then me and her man. Thats like a person becoming a celebrity and still collecting childsupport from someone on unemployment. Is there a lawyeer u know let me know if they can do it for free until i win the case becase i dont have no money and my mons on pension

The Expert answers:

Get a JOB!!! Take care of YOUR responsibilities & for God’s sake stop making babies you can’t and/or won’t take care of! Also, stop trying to get a free ride by suing someone else for their hard -EARNED money.

William asks…

Do democrats lie about Republicans being racist to Obfuscate away from the ugly truth about THEM?

I mean really, Obama is a hot stinking mess and a wanna be totalitarian with no concept of equal protection who hates the Constitution and was groomed his whole life with a CRASH the US SYSTEM mentality. His Parents were communist, his grandparents were, his mentor his commie grandpa picked for him FM Davis was. The Muslim radical who got him into Harvard wants the US to fall. The people he’s been around and chooses for advisers? Lovers of Mao (got on the White House Christmas tree) and Soros who he worked for before (talk about big evil corporate types) wants to crash the US. They need to hide this so they say people don’t like Obama because of race … lol, how stupid is that?

If Republicans do hate Blacks why did Herman Cain win most support in the R debate?

This grasping at straws garbage is wearing even thinner than it already was. Republican party was created to end slavery and it’s never stopped being about equal rights.

Progressives feel they have bought blacks after they got them free stuff to enslave them as a voting block, and blacks are their property.

Progressives call Republicans Racist because Progs are liars, and they do it on the notion that those who want equal rights for all all the time are racist.

Who shot the Republicans working with MLK? DEMOCRATS!!!

Who shot at Republicans Marching with MLK? DEMOCRATS!!! and there were no DEMOCRATS!!! marching with MLK

Who bombed black Churches? DEMOCRATS!!!

Why did Hillary Clinton’s Democrat Hero, Margarete Sanger start Planned Parenthood to get rid of black babies to decrease the Black population because Progressives didn’t believe that Black People were fit to live among white people?

Who started the KKK to keep black voters from voting Republican? DEMOCRATS!!!

Who marched in the Streets with their stupid little signs and chants calling JFK a traitor when he changed his mind of the Republican Written Equal Rights Act he voted against in 1957? DEMOCRATS!!!

Who have always been the racists in the country? DEMOCRATS!!!

Which Party Started to stop slavery and has been fighting for equal rights ever since? NOT DEMOCRATS!!! IT’S REPUBLICANS!
Actually Mr Timed (who I blocked for being a moron and accusing without any proof) I wrote all this myself and I use it when appropriate. I often sit and wright long answers and questions, but why do that when the answer to the BS is so often the same? So I copy and use my own words, and any who’d like to do so (some already do) can do the same if they check it out and find I’m correct (which they will).
Grela, I listen and watch it all. If you don’t watch Fox you don’t get a full perspective. Fox is the best balanced source out there. They usually have all views represented and let them talk. The other may have a token republican, but seldom do they get the chance to make a point without being cut off, and many times during the attempt too.
No Greg, that’s the propaganda, but it’s stupid. The ERA written by Republicans followed the ass kicking of the KKK by Republicans, JFK the Democrat switched sides and supported the Republican ERA in the early 60s before he died. The Democrats protested with sign and stupid chants, calling him a traitor. So when did this happen?

The migration of Northerners to the South created a jump in Republican voters in the South as did Black people who dared to Regester as Republicans had put down the KKK.

That’s a cute little thing to say, but it’s not true at all.
What are the racist manifestation in Republicans in the last 40 years anyway? Being for equal rights as always? Being against the Progressive buy off of the black Community? The free stuff that’s lead to the black community (when they started voting for free stuff aka democrats) who had murder rates on par with the rest of the country and single mother rates the same, saw them go up 500%? The price of “help” from Democrats? Opposing that kind of societal degradation and standing for equal rights as they always have? Was that a switch? Their insistence that all men still be treated equally under the law? That was racist? I don’t think so. I think Democrats are still racist, demanding unequal treatment, and pushing division which damages the country, for political gain.

The Expert answers:

Republicans in Congress gave us the 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery), 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law for all citizens), 15th Amendment (voting rights for blacks) the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Republicans in both houses had a higher percentage of yes votes than nay votes compared to Democrats).

Democrats in Congress gave us the 16th Amendment (Progressive Income Tax), 17th Amendment (Direct election of Senators; a complete dereliction of the Constitution and ruled unconstitutional twice by the SCOTUS before amended), Increased government dependency amongst blacks via entitlements like Welfare and Food Stamps which suppress the desire to succeed.

Donna asks…

my husband gets very aggressive when he plays video games. What can I do?

My husband is a very competitive person in everything he does. But when it comes to video games I think it is worse because he can only let his aggressiveness out with the people in the house which is the baby and me. I don’t play video games with him because if I win he gets super mad and if he wins he treats me like crap (he keeps going on and on about it and calls me mean stuff). So that easy I avoid playing games with him. However since you can play online games through xbox (xbox live) he plays for hours when he gets a chance to play ( he can start at 7pm and finish at 9a.m. …No JOKE!) I hate this because when he plays it is when he finally gets a bit of free time (he is in college and works) instead of spending time with us he spends all his time in front of the tv with a remote control. Don’t get me wrong I think it is fine that he plays but… I think he should limit his play time and spend time with us. Well once he starts playing it is just him and the tv! Last time the baby fell in front of him and hit his head and he didn’t even bother to check if he was ok. All he does is swear (in front of the baby) and he does very vulgar stuff. I know it is easy say, “well just ignore him and let him play” but the issue is that he is my husband, I need him We Are A FAMILY. So if i ask him something or tell him something he pays no attention to me. And when he finally does answers very annoyed and angry at me. Today he pushed me, and I know I annoyed him but I was just trying to get his attention. And then he actually told me to my face that when he is playing he doesn’t pay attention to me. HE is my HUsBAND !!! I need him and I miss him! The thing about him is that he usually only gets like this when he plays… he is not like this all the time. I don’t know what to do I’ve already tried talking to him in a nice way in a mean way in every way…nothing works. And of course i have told him I am just gonna get rid of that xbox of his and well that just makes things way worse. I need some advice please help me!!!!!
so far I think everyone who has answered this question is right… but I am just scared of what his reaction will be towards any of the suggestions. I feel like I am always there for him, but it feels like I need an appointment to talk him. What hurts me more is my son, he just turned 2 and all he likes to built with legos are gun and grab random stuff and use them as guns. He shoots at everything and everyone… yet it is not his fault it is my hubby’s fault for playing war games and kill the zombies games. He just doesn’t understand how much he is hurting him. My son will not sleep in his own room, he feels scared. What can a 2 year old be scared of. I’ll tell you what! Zombies and ugly resident evil creators popping out to shoot them. I’m even scared of them! I don’t blame him! The problem is that even though I try to distract the baby and tell him to come play with me or read him a story he doesn’t want to. because he just wants to spend time with his daddy.

The Expert answers:

First of all…a man should never lay a hand on you. If he’s seriously pushing you and hurts you, you need to let him know that it’s unacceptable behavior. You either do this by telling him or by taking action(reporting him). Playing games all night is troublesome, but anger is a bigger issue. If it’s possible, your husband should attend some sort of anger management class. He needs to learn how to control himself better.

Turtle and Randy are right. He probably gets joy out of playing video games and you don’t want to take them away from him. (I’m completely for men and women playing video games) It is completely unacceptable to neglect your family in order to play games though.

It might be hard to do, but you should look into the possibility of getting away from him and moving on with your life. You need to look into a plan of action before you try to take action. You might need to put your foot down and tell him that if he doesn’t fix things then you and the baby are gone.

Another possible action is the nice approach. Maybe for a week, don’t argue with him or ask anything of him. Let him do what he wants.(I know this could be hard, but just think it’s only a week.) At the end of the week talk to him sweetly and nicely tell him that you would love to for him to spend time with you and the baby. Let him know that you let play games all week, without interruption or bothering him and you would love if he would do something with the family. Don’t turn it into nagging. Be very nice about it. Maybe even plan something (a picnic in the park, a trip to museum/zoo, a nice dinner, etc.) IF he turns it down, then you really need to re-evaluate your relationship.

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