Your Questions About Baby Care

William asks…

Babysitting rates?

GIve me some babysitting rates please!

The Expert answers:

About 3.00/hr per kid if diff family. One fam of 2 kids 5.00/hr….3kids 6.00 hr or you could do a one set price per week like 150 per week depending on the hours…….you could call a local daycare center and ask how much would they charge for a 2 year old or how ever old the kid you will watch is…

George asks…

Babysitting Rates?

Im 13. Ive taken a babysitting corse at the red cross and have been baysitting for almost a year. I babysit for the samepeople every Friday. I do other jobs too but I wondered how much I should get for 3 kids– a 2 year old boy, a 6 year old girl and a 8 year old girl. What are the normal rates???
umm it is at nigh starts at 6 every friday the boy stays up til about 8:00 and the girls stay up til 10:00ish. I do make supper or they leave money for a pizza.

The Expert answers:

For this i would expect nothing less than 10 and hour…..i would say 10-12 bucks an hr

Lisa asks…

Babysitting RateS?

Okay, so … I havent been babysitting kids outside of my family for a while so I dont know how much I should tell people I want. This is an email I got but I dont know what to say. Can you please help me?


I had a couple of questions…
Are you in Manchester?
What hours can you babysit?
What are your rates?
Do you have transportation?


The Expert answers:

Depending on how any kids you’ll be baby sitting and what hours you’ll be baby sitting. When my hubby and I go out we go to dinner and a movie we’re gone about 4 hours we provide dinner, pop, movies from the movie store and snacks and we pay her $20. It averages out to be about $5. Since she lives 3 houses down she walks over but I take her home at night and wait till she gets in the house. If you’re under driving age or don’t have a license you’ll have to ask your mom or dad if they will be able drop you off and pick you up. Good luck

Carol asks…

babysitting rates?

Whats a good rate for babysitting?…I have no clue…$6/hr sound good?

The Expert answers:

I babysit all the time.I am seventeen. The standard rate is 10 dollars per hour. But it changes really depending on where you live and how many kids you have. I live in new jersey and have been babysitting for close to 4 years now for 2 or 3 kids depend on which family both give me 10 an hour. In the begin though i use to get 8 an hour. But over the years it gone up a little. Ask the sitter what their rate is. Most have an idea . If they are new at it. Then you can basically set the standard. Especially if they don’t have that much experience.

Mandy asks…

What are babysitting rates in San Francisco area?

I am babysitting my 3 grandchildren in Walnut Creek, CA and want to hire a mother’s helper so I can take them to the pool and park and stuff. I’d feel better if I had a helper for extra eyes and hands. I have no idea what the rates are. It’s been a long time since I used a babysitter and I live in the Midwest where I’m sure rates are much different.

The Expert answers:

I would say $10 an hour

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