Your Questions About Baby Care

Linda asks…

What sites give baby freebies or samples?

Im 10 weeks pregnant and i want to start collecting some freebies, like the samples and stuff.
Does anyone know of any?
Thanks x

The Expert answers:

Go online to different manufactures websites and click on the contact us link. Write them a short email stating that you’ve heard good things about their product and you would like to sign up for samples and coupons for their company. I did this when I was pregnant with my son and received pacifiers, all kinds of coupons and samples from several companies. They normally will add you to their mailing list so I am still receiving coupons from many of them.

Jenny asks…

Mommys 🙂 Do any of you know sites or clubs to get free baby stuff?

Hey everyone!
I just found out im 7 weeks pregnant and Im so excited to start getting stuff. I went out and dropped some cash today on diapers, formula, and wipes 🙂 I love buying baby stuff.
I don’t know the gender of my baby yet, so I was wondering is there any sites that i can sign up for that have some cool freebies or giveaways? Possibly any mommy or baby clubs? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

This one sends free samples of make-up, other beauty samples and more absolutely free.
You just sign up and get them in the mail.
I think you should also check the other offers on this site, there are good ones

James asks…

Anyone have any awesome freebie sites for baby stuff ? I have included some awesome ones I found!!!?

I have a few awesome sites…
1. – this site is actually updated constantly and has all sorts of stuff including baby stuff!

2.… – this site has not been updated in about a month but still has some awesome freebies available!

3.… – this is Johnson & Johnson baby website and they have some really good coupons. You do have to download the “coupon printer” to print them off, but I did and there is no catch it or gimmick with it.

4.… – this link is for a sample of the new huggies diaper… which I have already bought for my unborn little girl. They look really nice and are super soft… best part about them… you get a free sample and coupon!!

If anyone has any awesome sites to share please do!!! I love freebies & would appreciate knowing about any good ones!! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Thanks n try

Lizzie asks…

Freebie sites for baby stuff?

I am from Canada and am wondering what freebie sites are out there. It can be for anything, but just wondering if there are any really good ones out there I don’t know about yet 😀 Thanks!

The Expert answers:

There are the formula companies if you are bottle feeding your baby

heniz is really good about coupons and samples.
Huggies are really good about coupons as well

pampers are not so much but you can get a free diaper out of them…

Lisa asks…

Any freebie sites?? (baby stuff)?

My sister is having a baby and i want to order some free baby samples like nappies, creams =)

Know any sites, that send them in uk?

The Expert answers:

Try all the standard baby sites:

Simalac, enfamil, pampers, huggies, johnson and johnson…there is usually a link to different regions/countries…use that and sign up for as much stuff as possible – I was amazed at how generous some companies were.

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