Your Questions About Baby Care

Nancy asks…

How can i go about finding babysitting rates for Camden County in Missouri?

I am doing research on babysitting rates in camden county missouri maybe someone can help me.
how much for 2 kids ages 1 yr. and 3 yr.?

The Expert answers:

Generally speaking its 5 dollars an hour, I live in St. Louis and thats the going rate in Missouri. Maybe a little more for numerous kids.

Ken asks…

How much should I get paid for babysitting 2 children (babysitting rates)?

So here’s the deal:
There is this family that I’ve been babysitting for the past year. Last summer, I asked for $30 a day babysitting a female 12 yr old and a male 9 yr old from 7am-3pm. I cook them food, entertain them, and clean up their house. I live in California and I am 18. Should I stay at this rate, or should I increase it a bit?

The Expert answers:

Ya go for at least 5$ an hour. Right now you are making 3.75$ an hour
Minimum wage is 8$ an hour in california

Chris asks…

How much should I ask for babysitting rates?

Okay so I am 16 I’ve been babysitting since age 13. What is a good hourly rate per child?

The Expert answers:

It depends on age. If they are younger than 3, i’d say $10 an hour. 4 and up, $6. Its about minimum wage, so to me that sounds good.

James asks…

Babysitting rates for three young children one day a week?

I may start babysitting for a family that has three you children (the oldest is a boy in kindergarden for half of the day). What would be a reasonable rate? I would only be watching the kids one day a week but it would be for the whole day.

The Expert answers:

You should find out the minimum rate in your state. In jersey its 7.15 so for one child it should be around there and for 2 children about 9 dollars and then 3 kids should prob be about 10 dollars per hour. I babysit my neighbors 3 kids for 10 bucks an hr. They have a 4 yr old and 2 babies

Mark asks…

What are babysitting rates in Texas?

What are the babysitting rates for San Antonio, TX? I am signed to a nanny service, but I am thinking about starting my own babysitting business for year round while I finish up my Bachelor’s Degree. Has anyone been successful working for a nanny service or babysitting professionally?

The Expert answers:

I charge $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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