Your Questions About Baby Care

Joseph asks…

For those of you that have used a Breathable Baby Crib Bumper?

I purchased a convertable crib from target and one long side of it is solid wood (no vertical slots). I have a hard time getting a bumper on the bed since on side is solid and i cant tie anything to it.

I wanted to get a BreathableBaby Crib Bumper because my daughter is getting her arms and legs caught in the slots of the crib. Will it work with the crib I have? thanks

The Expert answers:

I have a convertible crib from Target as well. I used the breathable mesh bumper too. I took the short side of the bumper off completely and used the long piece only. I started it maybe 2 or 3 slats out from the solid side and wrapped it all the way around. It’s kind of hard to explain but it worked very well. Let me know if you want me to snap a picture and post it…

And that is the same reason I got the mesh bumper too. Dane was getting his legs out the slats and stuck.

***EDIT*** Here are the pictures:

This is the right corner on the crib. Notice I started it on the 2nd slat

This is the front right corner of the crib. Again I finished it on the 2nd to last slat

Here is the view looking in to the crib. You can see the bumper covers everything

These bumpers come in 2 piece’s. There is a short piece that wraps around the the front part and allows the crib to slide up and down. The long part is supposed to wrap around the other 3 sides. I simply put the short piece away and wrapped the whole thing. It was hard to pull it all together tight but we managed to make it work. I really don’t use the up and down in the front anyway (I’m really tall) but it’s still easy to move up and down even when all of it is attached.

With the ends where it is still open we have not had a problem yet but if you are really concerned about it you can always attach a little more material and Velcro if you are handy like that or just take it to a seamstress.

I hope that makes better sense. =)

George asks…

what department stores carry baby cribs?

Other than babiesrus, target, walmart. anyone?

The Expert answers:


Betty asks…

What about Ikea’s Cribs? Please Help!?

What do you think about Ikea cribs? There are not so many models. I’ve searcher at Walmart, Target, Babies R Us, There are very expensive items… but I’m still undecided about what set for my new baby‘s room I choose. I like Ikea style, my Room set is from Ikea and I’m very happy sleepping on my bed. Would yoy get an Ikea room’s set for your baby? Crib, wardrobe, changing table? Please Help!!

The Expert answers:

The Ikea cribs are actually quite sturdy and they have one model that converts into a toddler bed, and it has the whole matching changing table and dresser combo.

If you read the feedback on a lot of Babies R Us cribs, they import them from diff. Manufacturers and many of them have poor reviews.

Go with Ikea.

Helen asks…

What should you register for for the baby shower?

My mom is throwing my baby shower in October, and I need to be registered at least by mid- to late- September. We already have my baby‘s crib, dresser, and night stand, but we are missing a lot of the big stuff.

I know we will need a high chair, playard, stroller/carseat combo, but what other things do moms and dads to be register for?

Is it silly to put diapers on the list? My mom thinks so, but those will DEFINATELY come in handy! 🙂

What did (or what are you going to) register for? And ideas will be most appreciated!

If it matters, I am registering at Babies R Us and Target.

The Expert answers:

It is good to put small things on the list like diapers. For one, it says you want a certain brand of diapers. Having small things is good if some of the younger daughters of your relatives are coming and want to be able to get you their own small gift off your registry. Anything your baby needs can go on there.

You can also ask for cute bedding sets, crib sheets, bouncy chairs, baby carriers, and safety things like outlet covers and such.

It doesn’t hurt to put some clothing ideas that say your style. If you are having a girl and don’t want pink, make that statement by registering for non-pink things. A purple blanket, white socks, a big pack of onsies in your color choice.

If you are breastfeeding, consider how close you are to your family before you register for breastfeeding supplies. Are you going to turn bright red holding up some nipple pads? Do you want everyone to see your breast pump who is at the shower?

Remember that many stores (like Target) will let you buy everything left on your registry after your shower for 10% off. 10% savings will really add up, especially if you put some packs of diapers and such on there.

Thomas asks…

question about baby cribs?

where did you guys get your crib? i don’t have much to spend and i am looking for places online or stores to buy a cheap yet pretty crib. I am a modern freak and so far like these once but they are still a bit too much for me and I am not INlove with them…this is one of them..but looking for something like this
let me know stores, online stores that have cheap and modern stuff, can be used!

The Expert answers:

Well that’s a pretty good price if your looking for a convertible crib most cribs are very pricey especially if they convert!

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