Your Questions About Baby Care

Mark asks…

Does anyone know a website where I can get free baby stuff with no advertisements?

I want to get more baby stuff while I’m still pregnant, and I’m the only one working in this relationship for now, is there any website I can go to to find out how to get free baby stuff by mail with no advertisements at all???

The Expert answers:

You can try your local free classifieds. These are some I use to buy stuff from.


For rest your can do search and find the one that you feel comfortable with.

Good Luck!

Laura asks…

Why am I getting free stuff in the mail?

I’ve been getting a lot of free baby products in the mail. Funny thing is, I’m not expecting. I don’t remember signing up for these items. The last thing I remember giving out my address, was to volunteer at the American Cancer Society/Mary Kay fundraiser.

Is there a way to stop the mail? I can’t find any phone number on the box.

The Expert answers:

Does it come with a return address? If it does, you could send a letter to the company requesting that they stop sending you things in the mail. You may be on the mailing list and you don’t even know it.

Robert asks…

Where can I sign up to get coupons for baby stuff?

I’m pregnant and my husband and I are on a tight budget. But we would like to start buying things for our baby a little at a time. Is there a website where I can sign-up to receive coupons and free samples of baby stuff via mail and NOT email (I don’t have a printer).

The Expert answers:

I know a site where you can do only surveys and free offers and earn points,that can be redeemed on can buy anything from amazon using only points,its very easy and its all free

Helen asks…

Free Baby Coupons by Mail?

Ok my brother and his girlfriend just had a baby the 7th and I wanted to know if theres any baby coupons online like free by mail or like free samples and stuff like that. BTW it’s a boy, my nephew lol just in case that plays a part in any coupons. Any coupons can really come in handy for them thanks everyone!

The Expert answers:

You can e-mail the companies themselves. Just send them an e-mail. Tell them you really like (whatever it is) and ask if they can mail some coupons and leave your address. Huggies sent me a bunch of coupons.

Susan asks…

Whare are some good pregnancy free stuff/ baby coupons sites?

Hi there! I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and was wondering if any of you ladies know any good websites to sign up for coupons and possibly free baby stuff? Yes, I’ve googled but can’t seem to find anything worthwhile. I just went to babyzone and they seem to be the best so far. I remember when I was pregnant with my son 5 years ago there where a ton of cool things to sign up for (magazines, baby formula, diaper samples, etc) and it was exciting getting little surprises in the mail all throughout my pregnancy and beyond. Yes, I am a dork. Links would be great! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If you want free stuff, I really really like for it. They sort through and find the legit samples so you don’t have to. They are great because they are updated daily and all of their offers are “catch free”, that means no long surveys, no pay offers. They also have a e-mailing list where they send you the free samples listed on their site. I use that so I get them in my email which comes daily. It isn’t required though to get the freebies. Sometimes their descriptions are pretty funny too! If you are looking for a specific type of free sample, there is a categories list and a search bar right above categories so that you can do searches.

Oh yes if you are from Canada you might like:

If you are from the UK you might want:

Today I just got a Kashi Bar…. But I get all sorts of random stuff every day, my mailman thinks im nutz! Lol

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