Robert asks…
Why are so many older women having babies when most women their age have teenagers?
If you don’t like the question, you are free to move on to another. Here is my argument:
I heard on the news about a woman who spent her young years in sports and stuff and decided she was ready to have a baby when she was late 40’s and then had to use an fertility treatment or something because she had trouble conceiving. What do they expect. They had plenty of years to have children but chose to put other stuff first so I say they deserve what they get & i call it self inflicted infertility. Most of these women could have married earlier and had children but decided to put it off for more “important things”. They are very selfish giving their young years to sports or a career and then burdening their children with their old age when the children are still teenagers.
I have a hard time dealing with women who are surprised they have trouble conceiving at 34-46, when most mothers that age have teenagers. I think there’s nothing wrong with finishing your education, or establishing a steady career before you procreate. I don’t mean women like this. I am talking about the ones that actually have this enormous agenda, like travel the world, become president of their company, make a million, build an enormous house, wait til their bodies are worn out…they plan and they plan and they triumph, and then when they can’t get pregnant at 46, they cry to you and tell you that’s what they most wanted, and if they had it to do all over again, they’d have had children earlier! It’s hard to listen to this. If it happens you don’t marry until you are older, that can’t be blamed. And I’m certainly not in favor of teen pregnancy. But why are so many women waiting to their old.
I’ve heard a lot of people say that they will have more to give their children, but that’s a sort of vague idea. They talk about financial security and maturity, but what about energy? Ask people who had children at both 21 and 31, none of them will tell you it wasn’t harder older. I mean, isn’t your health and vitality a consideration in this matter? If you’re giving birth at 34- 46, your child graduates when you are50- 64. Your kids will be teased because their parents look like their grandparents? No wonder why Australia doesn’t allow fertilization.
Just like someone else said ‘ If you live long enough to see your grandchildren, what will you be able to give them’?
It might not be my problem, but people are so quick to judge teens that have babies when its none of their business. Also when people have kids with disorders and genetic diseases, they usually cant afford to take care of them, so its the tax payers who do. When older women have kids they are putting them at risk for which is so selfish its disgusting. Why don’t people see a problem with this, but they are so quick to judge other women like teens etc?
kate nice try. I graduated from college at 24 and immediately started having kids while i still worked. No need to insult people because you dont agree with their opinion. Looks like you are not mature enough go handle Y!A. Please get a life.
Damien Lee and Aleena May’s YOU are ignorant if you consider what you said an argument & the fact that people will tease because they have old parents was not the sole argument, so you need to learn how to read better.
The Expert answers:
I agree with everything you said. Also not to long ago it was normal for women to have kids and get married in their teens. Thats when women are most fertile. Just because its different now days doesn’t make it wrong. Also, i know a lot of teens who are actually good mothers. Not all of them aren’t and at least they have their babies instead of taking the easy way out and getting an abortion. A lot of people have kids when they are young and people look down on them. But when they are 40 + they can have their free time and live their life with their husbands etc and travel where as people who are just having kids are dragging them around miserably because they have no energy. Its ok when this is unintentional, but its irresponsible to have them latter on purpose and its not fair to the child. Is it fair that a little boy cant play baseball with his dad because his dad doesn’t have the energy?
John asks…
Do you feel bad for women that put off childbearing for their self centered reasons & later have trouble?
I read a question similar a few minutes ago and i agree. If you don’t like the question, you are free to move on to another.
I heard on the news about a woman who spent her young years in sports and stuff and decided she was ready to have a baby when she was late 40’s and then had to use an fertility treatment or something because she had trouble conceiving. What do they expect. They had plenty of years to have children but chose to put other stuff first so I say they deserve what they get. Most of these women could have married earlier and had children but decided to put it off for more “important things”. They are very selfish giving their young years to sports or a career and then burdening their children with their old age when the children are still teenagers.
I have a hard time dealing with women who are surprised they have trouble conceiving at 34-46, when most mothers that age have teenagers. I think there’s nothing wrong with finishing your education, or establishing a steady career before you procreate. I don’t mean women like this. I am talking about the ones that actually have this enormous agenda, like travel the world, become president of their company, make a million, build an enormous house, wait til their bodies are worn out…they plan and they plan and they triumph, and then when they can’t get pregnant at 46, they cry to you and tell you that’s what they most wanted, and if they had it to do all over again, they’d have had children earlier! It’s hard to listen to this. If it happens you don’t marry until you are older, that can’t be blamed. And I’m certainly not in favor of teen pregnancy. But why are so many women waiting to their old.
I’ve heard a lot of people say that they will have more to give their children, but that’s a sort of vague idea. They talk about financial security and maturity, but what about energy? Ask people who had children at both 21 and 31, none of them will tell you it wasn’t harder older. I mean, isn’t your health and vitality a consideration in this matter? If you’re giving birth at 34- 46, your child graduates when you are50- 64. Your kids will be teased because their parents look like their grandparents? No wonder why Australia doesn’t allow fertilization.
Just like someone else said ‘ If you live long enough to see your grandchildren, what will you be able to give them’?
It might not be my problem, but people are so quick to judge teens that have babies when its none of their business. Also when people have kids with disorders and genetic diseases, they usually cant afford to take care of them, so its the tax payers who do. When older women have kids they are putting them at risk for which is so selfish its disgusting. Why don’t people see a problem with this, but they are so quick to judge other women like teens etc?
The Expert answers:
I agree that women who purposely put off child bearing until 40+ and are then surprised when they can’t conceive are being a unrealistic. But the vast majority of women I know who put off having children until after 34 wanted to have kids sooner, but didn’t want to do it solo. A good man is hard to find, and holding out until you find one isn’t selfish–it’s the best thing to do for your child.
Helen asks…
Cockroaches – how do they fit in with the Wiccan Rede?
I thought of putting this in the Home and Garden section, but I thought that the religious aspect to it would be better off in another section.
I have pagan beliefs, which include those of the Wiccan Rede, namely the “An it harm none, do as you will” part. I recently moved into a new house and found it to have frequent visitors – cockroaches to be exact. I have always been very empathetic, even when I was a child, and it always broke my heart growing up when I killed bugs.
My fiancee set up some bug bombs and killed a bunch of them, and while I was happy to be living cockroach free, I still felt sad that so many of the Lord and Lady’s little critters had to die, just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Well, they’re back again, and I feel horrible about having to kill more of them, but I can’t have little insects walking around and pooping on everything, especially because I often have my soon-to-be nephews over often, and one of them is a baby, and I just don’t want them exposed to that sort of stuff.
What should I do? I feel very conflicted about it, but at the same time, it’s just gross having them crawling around all over the place… I wish I had the guts to pick them up and throw them outside, but I am just too squeamish, and there are just too many sometimes.
Are there any naturally occurring (in NSW, Australia) cockroach repellents that I can try? :S Thanks in advance..
Our house that we’re renting is fairly old, I’m thinking 50’s to 60’s. It’s not insulated as far as I know, and there’s a few holes in places (I’ve stuck bits of steel wool in most of these places) but I think the majority of them come in from under the sinks and under the back door. We’re gonna look into one of those under-the-door pillow things, to keep heat in and (hopefully) the bugs out…
I’m stay-at-home for now, so I clean quite a bit… We try to make sure there’s no food on the counters or on dishes in the sink or anything, they just seem to like the inside of our house.
I haven’t tried that plug in sound emitter thing yet, I’ll try it if I can find one in Australia, I know they had them in the US when I lived there. 🙂
I suppose I do come across as a tad over-excited about what that particular line in the rede says. My main concern is that I’ve always felt bad about killing little bugs, it’s not like they asked for it or anything. But you’re right about the health issue, some people say they’re pretty clean critters but I have serious doubts about that. 🙂 thanks for helping me to put it in perspective!
The Expert answers:
I believe that the bugs, if they are causing problems they should be taken from the property. If the only way is to be rid of them is by killing them, then I think it should be that way. If they don’t cause problems then leave them alone.
If you are protecting your home than protect it and don’t be timid about it. The Deities will understand the reasons for your actions.
Lisa asks…
what will happen to us?
ok all Jokes aside, I have seen lots of stuff that points to the World Ends in Two Years, now I know there are people saying ya ya ya what ever its all bull, but I have recently noticed a lot of media coverage regarding this and some prophecies have seemingly come true.
It is unofficial, but a strong rumor nevertheless: the world will end in two years’ time due to the arrival of a huge comet and its subsequent impact with Earth.
I was told by a fortune teller 9 years ago (before 2012 was even know publicly) that I will die when I am 37which happens to be in 2012, (plus everywhere I look I see the number 37, car reg’s, newspapers and even here in china while im working, in fact while im in china I saw an entire 2 block of buildings were plastered with the number 37 honest to god im not kidding)
The myians , Chinese Jews and pretty much every other religion have for once agreed it will happen and even the history channel have suddenly released stuff on TV, books are suddenly being written,
So if the world is going then why isn’t the government doing anything or is it too late and if they are what are they doing.
I mean look at the world
War in 60% of the world,
Economy gone bust
Swine flu comes from no where kills many ALL OVER THE WORLD,
In the town where the swine flu started an entire baby school (all under 2 yrs old) mysteriously burns down killing all inside
The pope has pissed every one off
Insects and some animals are disapeering
We are running out of fuel and natural recourses
We won’t give free medicines because it would over populate the planet so for this reason it’s ok to commit mass genocide?
And tell me if you agree with this
Id we ever did get off this rock we would in fact become the monstrous invading alien to the first world we find (see America, Australia India for this example)
So can any one shed some light on what’s going on, genuine answers please?
well if it does happen i can now at least smile when it hits us as i will know many could maybe be proved wrong and ill prob hear a single voice of billions scream out “oh my god that nutter was right” lol well some thing to look foward to i guess
The Expert answers:
The world’s not ending in 2012. There are tons of doomsday prophecies. Someone finds meaning in some ancient text or calendar and then other people find coincidences that back that misinformation up. It’s just a jumbled ball of nonsense.
Nancy asks…
do you know if it will all end?
ok all Jokes aside, I have seen lots of stuff that points to the World Ends in Two Years, now I know there are people saying ya ya ya what ever its all bull, but I have recently noticed a lot of media coverage regarding this and some prophecies have seemingly come true.
It is unofficial, but a strong rumor nevertheless: the world will end in two years’ time due to the arrival of a huge comet and its subsequent impact with Earth.
I was told by a fortune teller 9 years ago (before 2012 was even know publicly) that I will die when I am 37which happens to be in 2012, (plus everywhere I look I see the number 37, car reg’s, newspapers and even here in china while im working, in fact while im in china I saw an entire 2 block of buildings were plastered with the number 37 honest to god im not kidding)
The myians , Chinese Jews and pretty much every other religion have for once agreed it will happen and even the history channel have suddenly released stuff on TV, books are suddenly being written,
So if the world is going then why isn’t the government doing anything or is it too late and if they are what are they doing.
I mean look at the world
War in 60% of the world,
Economy gone bust
Swine flu comes from no where kills many ALL OVER THE WORLD,
In the town where the swine flu started an entire baby school (all under 2 yrs old) mysteriously burns down killing all inside
The pope has pissed every one off
Insects and some animals are disapeering
We are running out of fuel and natural recourses
We won’t give free medicines because it would over populate the planet so for this reason it’s ok to commit mass genocide?
And tell me if you agree with this
Id we ever did get off this rock we would in fact become the monstrous invading alien to the first world we find (see America, Australia India for this example)
So can any one shed some light on what’s going on, genuine answers please?
well if it does happen i can now at least smile when it hits us as i will know many could maybe be proved wrong and ill prob hear a single voice of billions scream out “oh my god that nutter was right” lol well some thing to look foward to i guess
The Expert answers:
Ok the mayans beloved this because there calender ran out of space and
War in 60% of the world,( the uncivilised world mostly i doubt many of them could be as destructive as your implying)
Economy gone bust (happened before)
Swine flu comes from no where kills many ALL OVER THE WORLD,( not one death in the uk and many other country’s remember bird flu )
In the town where the swine flu started an entire baby school (all under 2 yrs old) mysteriously burns down killing all inside ( this is relevant to the world ending how??)
The pope has pissed every one off (not really im not annoyed at HIM and im atheist)
Insects and some animals are disappearing (because of us its happened to species since earth beginning)
We are running out of fuel and natural recourses (30 years it supposed to take and well find other ways heard of renewable or nuclear)
We won’t give free medicines because it would over populate the planet so for this reason it’s ok to commit mass genocide? (that’s never been a method mentioned )
ps im only 16 and ive lived though countless end of the world ideas
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