Your Questions About Baby Care

Paul asks…

where can i get absoutly free baby stuff like samples and stuff like that?Thanks?

I was wondering where i could get free samples and baby stuff at online thatnks!

The Expert answers:

Rdncgirl is right, you can go on to almost any baby company site and they will send you free samples of stuff, huggies is really good. Also after you have your baby, the hospitals usually provide you with a diaper bag w/info. Inside, you may find that will help. You will also get coupons from these sites.

Linda asks…

What is a good website to get free baby stuff samples?

I need a reliable website that does not need you to fill out survey’s and asks for your credit card number. I know the Huggies, Pampers and WalMart websites and others like it offer samples, I was wondering if there are any others…

The Expert answers:

If you want free samples, I really really like for it. They sort through and find the legit samples so you don’t have to. They are great because they are updated daily and all of their offers are “catch free”, that means no long surveys, no pay offers. They also have a e-mailing list where they send you the free samples listed on their site. I use that so I get them in my email which comes daily. It isn’t required though to get the freebies. Sometimes their descriptions are pretty funny too! If you are looking for a specific type of free sample, there is a categories list and a search bar right above categories so that you can do searches.

You can check out their free sample forum too:

Oh yes if you are from Canada you might like:

If you are from the UK you might want:

If you are Australian You might like:
(although this last site is new, they have been adding a lot recently… Signup to their newsletter to get it in the e-mail when they update)

Joseph asks…

Does anyone know a website or websites to get the best free baby stuff samples for new moms?

I don’t want those sites where you have to sign up for all the different sponsors to get points then they eventually send you stuff through the mail.
I don’t want those sites where they supposedely give you free stuff after you sign up with a billion sponsors and get enough “points” for the items you want.

The Expert answers:

Just do a search for the brands. I know both Similac and Enfamil offer “club” type things. I signed up with both and have been getting formula in the mail. Also, you can ask your OB’s office. I did and they gave me 2or 3 diaper bags filled with stuff.And keep check on the sites that list various samples for baby things, I like Congrats on the baby!

Mandy asks…

Where to get FREE baby stuff, samples and coupons online!?

Everywhere I go they want your life story to sign up and frankly, I don’t want to give out my e-mail so the site can give it out to ten other sites! Does anyone know a really good site to go to where they wont advertise all of my personal info, and with no “hidden” obligations?

thanks a ton!

Mom to be

The Expert answers:

Keep checking with wal mart. Sometimes they got diapers. You can also email the different companies and ask for free samples. Write down the toll free phone numbers and call and ask if they have a list to put you on for coupons. Its the best way. Ask for free samples. They will send 3 or 4 diapers. And they have to have address to mail it to you. Http://

Thomas asks…

where can I find free baby samples online?

I have been trying and trying to get free baby stuff or samples off the internet but every where I go I have to sign up for offers. I am looking for something where I don’t have to sign up for any kind of offers. I want 100% free stuff. Please tell me there is something.
in live in the USA

The Expert answers:

Most websites for baby stuff (huggies, pampers, etc) will send you coupons and diapers if you register on their site. Also check Parenting magazine or American Baby, or Babytalk magazines. The last two are free to receive, and I think they send free stuff, too. Enfamil sent a free canister of formula (THANK YOU!) and when I bought something at Motherhood, they signed me up for special offers, and I received ALL KINDS of free stuff… Samples for diaper rash, diapers, medicines, lotions for me, snacks for me… The list goes on. I’d also recommend taking a childbirth prep class. We got even MORE free stuff there. Tons of resources out there. Then at hospital discharge after he was born, they gave us a Similac diaper bag FULL of samples, formula, bottles, breastmilk storage containers. Websites like,,,, and Fisher-Price’s website have links and signup pages, too. It’s out there… You’ll find it. 🙂

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