Your Questions About Baby Care

Ken asks…

What local stores sell lead testing kits to test baby toys?

i just want to test a couple of my baby‘s toys for lead, since that lead scare from china, but what local store sells the testing kits?

The Expert answers:

HI…………simple lead testing kits can usually be found in a pharmacy / drug store. I have also seen them in Toy’s R Us and WalMart. … (look in the baby section….or in the paint section)
If your child isn’t putting the toys in their mouth…..their is much less need for alarm. While you are checking…..look around for areas in the home with chipping paint, or things the child usually likes to chew on. (ie….the coffee table, etc)
Chances are………’re going to be reassured by testing.
Best wishes.

Donald asks…

How to wash baby toys if “surface wash only”?

I bought some used baby toys, and the directions indicate they are “surface wash only.” I don’t want to put the toys in the washing machine or use too harsh of a chemical to clean the toys because the baby will for sure put the toy in her mouth. Will soap and water sanitize the toy enough, and is soap too harsh of a chemical? Any ideas of what to use?

The Expert answers:

If they are hard plastic toys then you can use a cloth and 1 part bleach to 10 parts water, or 10 drops of tea tree oil to 2 oz of water. If they are stuffed toys that don’t take batteries just wipe of any surface marks and toss them in dryer on high heat for 20 minute to kill anything on them. If they are stuffed toys with batteries then you can use soap and water or water and tea tree oil just remember the soap you use will stay on the fabric so don’t use any thing too harsh, seventh generation or green works cleansers or tea tree oil would be best. Once they are clean you can put them outside in the sun to help kill any bacteria on them as well.

Mark asks…

Should I ask my neighbor if she wants these extra baby toys?

I had a yard sale last year and one of my neighbors came over and bought a bunch of stuff for her grand children. She bought a stroller, carset, shoes, and alot of kids clothing. I now have alot of extra baby toys that my daughter doesn’t play with anymore. They are all nice toys, clean and have not been played with much. Should I see if my neighbor wants them (for free) or just put them in the yard sale I am having later this year?

The Expert answers:

Sure, I’m sure she’d love them!

Helen asks…

when does baby start playing with toys?

when should i offer my baby toys? she is a month and a half 🙂 which toys do start with?

The Expert answers:

My son is 10 weeks old and he really doesn’t play with toys yet. I try to put a rattle in his hand nearly every day. He will hold it for just a little while then he lets go. He sure likes to watch me play with toys but he isn’t in to holding them himself just yet.

Thomas asks…

Anyone have any ideas for homemade baby toys?

My 9 y/o boys want to make some toys for our 3 month old baby for Christmas presents. I have a couple of ideas but was wondering if anyone else has any ideas.
Thanks for all your responses.

The Expert answers:

Oh! Small bottles (like small soda, plastic bottles).. Have your boys go fill them with rocks and then seal them up.. Then take all the plastic wrap off of them and have them decorate them with non toxic paint. Makes a really pretty rattle!!

They could make her a little mobil for her crib out of paper cut outs.

You can get a big piece of cloth and get some of that paint made to use on cloth and they could make her a blanket that she can always keep.

Maybe they could go build her an animal at build-a-bear. (but i think you can get a set at walmart [usually for girls to play with but in this case, i think its ok] and they can make a bear at home for her).

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