Your Questions About Baby Care

George asks…

Were those baby products cointaining lead sold at Toys R Us an accident?

Were those made in china baby products cointaining lead sold at Toys R Us an accident?i still cant find out wether it was an accident or on purpose …

The Expert answers:

Of course it was an accident. You don’t really think the toy companies decided to used potentially dangerous lead paint on the products on purpose. Why would they want to risk negative press, huge financial losses to the company and the even greater risk of harming a child and getting sued.

Nancy asks…

any problems with the toys r us/babies r us chase credit card??

i opened a toys r us chase credit card and now chase is going back on their rewards policy. im wondering if anyone else had issues? problem IS NOT WITH TOYS R US/BABIES R US IT IS WITH CHASE CREDIT CARD COMPANY!!!! curious to see if anyone else has encountered this…

The Expert answers:

I haven’t opened any credit cards and I am not going to because of all the nasty things they are doing lately.

Its a shame but any change they make you do not agree with that was in your contract when you opened the account gives you full right to close it or demand the treatment you were promised when opening the account.

I recently had a credit card closed because they sent a letter out saying my fixed apr was now going to be a variable apr starting at 24.8% !!!! Cancel the card there is more to come. You don’t have to take it, every card company is starting to act up.

Welcome to our new economy.

If you cancel and more people do maybe they will rethink their dirty tactics

Maria asks…

Toys R Us Baby Big Coupon Book?

Can someone please tell me how to get this in the mail! there is a coupon in there that i need for a free stroller with a 75 doller purches

The Expert answers:

You get it in the Sunday paper.

Paul asks…

Toys R Us Baby Big Coupon book!?

Can someone please tell me how to get this in the mail! there is a coupon in there that i need for a free stroller with a 75 doller purches

The Expert answers:

I got the coupon at the store on Friday. They had them when you walk in the door.

Susan asks…

I need information about a Thomas the train metal toddler bed bought from Baby r us.?

I bought a Thomas the train metal toddler bed from toys r us. The screws to the bed and the instructons were missing from the box. The bed is discontinued and we want to keep the bed. Now, I am looking for information on what type of screws are needed to put up the bed. I am also looking for instructions to be fowarded to me if possible.
Thank you,

The Expert answers:

Try calling the manufacturer. Don’t attempt to correct the matter without the correct information – you could put your child at risk.

SFI Designs Ltd.

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