Your Questions About Baby Care

Carol asks…

What would be some fun games for kids to play at my baby’s 1st birthday party?

The Expert answers:

If most of your party guests are also around 1 year old…no need to plan games. It would be a train wreck.

Linda asks…

What are good prizes for Baby Shower games?

My sister is having a baby shower and we want to give out lots of prizes for all the game winners. Any good ideas? Whats good for kids and adults?
Thanx <3 :]

The Expert answers:

I’m just a kid, never been to one, but I know for a fact that Chocolates rock! –providing they’re not diabetics or anything– or you can try little tokens or something memorable to remind them of that day. Or just useful and fun stuff=)

Joseph asks…

What are some great baby shower games?

I’m giving a very small baby shower on Tuesday night and would like some great games that we can play (there are only going to be 6 or 7 of us. My kids and the kids of people I know are getting older so it’s been years since I’ve been to a shower and I can’t remember what goes on at them so any other tips would be greatly appreciated.;

Thanks for all your help.

The Expert answers:

I like the Baby Bingo game. You hand out blank bingo grids and have the players fill in the blanks with items they think the mommy might receive as a gift. As mom to be opens the gifts the players mark their cards if they have written down that gift. “Bingo” is straight lines as usual. I think it keeps it more interesting for the people watching the gifts be opened.

Sandy asks…

What are some fun games/activities to do with the kids I baby-sit?

I baby-sit for a two-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. I’m looking for outside and inside activities.

The Expert answers:

Hide and seek is always popular for an indoor game, as well as making forts out of dining room chairs and blankets (remember to clean up when done). You could also use paper plates and dry rice to make tambourines or buy baby oil and make wave bottles out of 20oz pop bottles, colored water and the baby oil. Freeze dance w/ kid friendly music (like that on radio disney) is always a hit too.
Outside you could color w/ sidewalk chalk or give them toy instruments and have a parade. Use the chalk to draw a hopscotch board and teach them how to hop on the squares. If it’s hot maybe you could set up a sprinkler outside or make water balloons.
Hope this helps! Have lots of fun. The more active you keep them, the faster they fall asleep at bed time! LOL

Laura asks…

REQUESTED: another baby name game, your 16 KIDS, wanna play?

1. So you get married to the love of your life. & you get pregnant RIGHT AWAY. Like without trying. ofcourse your happy because you love kids. You inherited a huge restaurant franchise from your grandfather, & your spouse is a cop. ( oh no the po-po). You live in New Jersey. & are so surprised when you find out you are pregnant with QUADS. You conceived, RARELY, naturally, 4 babies. & they are all girls. so here are the initials, DR, JM, IS, & SE.

2. after the quads are 4. You decide to try for one more. & get TRIPLETS. you are shocked out of your freaking mind. but are happy. & THEY ARE ALL BOYS!! You husband is into a lot of ancient rome, italy, & greece stuff. So he wants to names to boys Roman, Julius, & Marcus. You pick the middle names…..

3. The triplets are 3 now. & you have your hands full.since your franchise is doing so great & your basically swimming in cash, your spouse quits being a cop and is now a stay at home parent. also your cousin lives next to you ( who is 29) and helps a lot with the kids during the day since her hubby is at work. So you decide you want another baby. you get TWINS. you have conceived three sets of multiples in less then 10 yrs. The twins are girls and there initials are LP, & AJ.

4. over the next 15 yrs or so. You add 7 more kids to the family. NO more multiples just one after the other. You have 4 more boys & 3 more girls. The girls initials are CM, HE, VC. & the 4 boys initials are LJ, TN, GJ, AC.

You also have a dog. a cat. & 5 horses. name them also. & don’t forget the bunny your 14 yr old found on the street in a box & named snooki. ( haha get it, you live in nj)
if it were me this is what it would be

1. Delilah Rain, Juliet Mae, Isadora Skye, Stella Emmeline
2. Roman Alexander, Julius Anthony, Marcus Paul
3. Liliana Penelope, Analissa Jolie
4. Caroline Marlow, Harlow Eva, Violet Capri, Lucian Jared, Tristan Nolan, Gabriel Julian, Asher Caine.

Dog- Nala
Cat- Shilo
Horses- Gypsy, Shadow, Pippin, Summit, Flicka.

The Expert answers:

1 – Delaney Rayne, Jayde Mackenzie, India Soliel (so-lay), Stella Emmersyn

2 – Roman Destery, Julius Blake, and Marcus Sebastian

3 – Lilly Peyton and Ainsley Jocelynn

4 – Camryn Millie, Harper Evangeline, Violet Claire, Leland Jasper, Tristan Noah, Griffin Jonah, Asher Caylix

Teacup Chihuahua – Joey
Cat – Caspar
Horses – Kingsley, Bentley, Holly, Sailor, and Annabelle

So we have Delaney (Lainey), Jayde (Jada), India (Indy), Stella (Ellie), Roman (Romeo), Julius (Jules), Marcus (Marc), Lilly (Lil), Ainsley (Ainz), Camryn (Cammy), Harper (Harp), Violet (Vy), Leland (Lee), Tristan, Griffin (Grimm), and Asher (Ash). I hope you like those! I love your names! My favorites are Asher Caine, Harlow Eva, Violet Capri, Roman Alexander, Stella Emmaline, and Juliet Mae. Best wishes!


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