Your Questions About Baby Care

Michael asks…

Baby Cribs?

Does anyone know of a site that reviews cribs and recommends cribs? or does anyone recently bought a crib that they recommend?

The Expert answers:

I have a Graco that meets all current safety standards, looks good, and was $99.

Nancy asks…

How do you use the Baby Bjorn Travel Crib with a newborn?

I have a 5 month old. We are planning on a trip and we need a travel crib. I have seen great reviews about Baby Bjorn Travel Crib. My question is.. HOW do you put your baby (who doesn’t stand up yet) in and out of this crib? It looks deep and I don’t think it had any zippers on the sides to help you move the baby in and out! Help!
Thank you so much…

The Expert answers:

I had never heard of this until your question so I googled it and found this page. Watch the demo video at the bottom. They don’t put a baby in it, but it doesn’t look that deep to me. So bending over to put a baby in it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m definitely interested in getting one of these!


William asks…

Hi All,Could you all suggest some good baby cribs under 150$ or so. And how is the Delta Jenny Lind Crib?

We looked at Detla Jenny Lind which is in stock .. it didnt look sturdy, but read good reviews about it. Searched this forum too, got only a couple of answers. So, can more people who know abt this crib, please share your experiences? Its only 129$.. so, wanna check with you all before booking it.

The Expert answers:

I will be 22 weeks on Thursday and I bought my Crib about a week ago 🙂 I absolutely love it! Its from Wal Mart and is convertible from a Crib to a Toddler Bed at 15 months it suggests, then at 50 lbs into a really nice looking bed with a head and foot board. I just bought the cheapest mattress Wal Mart had to go with it, it was a pediatric one-… The Mattress and Crib together totaled $215 with Wisconsin sales tax included. I highly suggest it. For the Crib Sheets and Waterproof mattress cover, I went to Target and bought a couple sheets as they were cute and cheap! Only $5.99 per sheet!

Same post I posted to a girl today about Cribs-so you might have seen it already 🙂

Donald asks…

Baby Cribs > which style is better.?

I am looking at different cribs and I want to know which style is better. The ones with the drop down front or the ones that stay put?

I am 5’4″ so not very tall.

Stationary: I know that the mattress can be set at different heights but my concern is actually being able to lay baby down when he is asleep w/out waking him.

Drop Down: I’ve read reviews about the latches not being secure and children getting hurt with several different cribs.

In your experience would you have went with a different style or use the same one over again.

Thanks a lot for your input:)

The Expert answers:

HI! I’m 5’3 and I bought one that the side stays put. I feared that it would drop down on its own and my son would fall out or get fingers pinched in it. I have no trouble with reaching my son and I sleep better knowing the crib is very solid. Hope this helps and congrats!!!

Robert asks…

do you research baby products your are going to buy before you buy them?

do you look online before purchasing cribs, strollers, and other baby products to see the reviews and ratings?

The Expert answers:

Yes! I’m obsessed with checking out the reviews before I buy anything, lol! It makes me feel better about what I’m spending money.

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