Chris asks…
what do you think of these baby products?
would you use them?
I think they are amazing even if a bit pricey,What do you think?
The Expert answers:
Total rip off. I would never pay that amount for a product when I can get the equivalent in any supermarket for a fraction of the cost.
Ruth asks…
I’m looking for a baby sleep-suit with attached mittens?
My baby grandson,aged 3months, has eczema on his face and it is difficult to keep mittens on him to stop him scratching.
Has anyone seen any store or online shop (in the UK) selling sleep-suits with integral or attached mittens?
Have been searching without success!
Grateful for any links but must be UK based.
Thanks in anticipation of reply.
The Expert answers:
You can buy sleepsuits with a fold over sleeve that acts as a mitten, they’re quite good.
You can get them from Next, Asda.. Various places.
My son has these ones,
Just an example so you know what you’re looking for!
Steven asks…
Where can i get a Bertini X5?
We’re looking for a Bertini X5 chassis, seat (orange in colour), bassinette (again – orange), changing bag and sheepskin liner.
only problem is they are not available in th UK and my Lass wants one for our new arrival!
If you live or work in Europe could you see if the local baby shop (or online) has these items that could be shipped to the UK?
Please! She’s making my life hell the way only pregnant women can!
The Expert answers:
Wow that is a ugly pram lol sorry i looke everywhere online for u cant find 1 anywhere why dont you take a day trip abroad n get 1
Laura asks…
When will u start christmas 2010 shopping (uk)?
Yes i know its very early and we all waiting on summer yet but due to the fact i have a hubby 2kids and in oct a 3rd child im gonna be busy busy busy christmas,so im thinking of starting early, my husband is easy to buy for and so will the baby, so anyway im gonna start very soon and plus learn new recipies ready for festive season as ill be so busy with 3 kids around the seaon….Anyone starting early for this or any other reason? The only problem i find at moment is i love studio catalogue but they not got christmas one online yet 🙁 nore any other sites except park…
The Expert answers:
As soon as you have the money and the luxury of time to do it!
Nancy asks…
My sister in law has just had a baby and she desperately needs one of those donut pressure relief cushions?
Does anyone know where I can get one for her today. It has to be from a UK Shop. I don’t have time to order online, because she needs it today – she can’t sit down!
The Expert answers:
Cant help with the ring but a warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil (no other products) helps the healing process and makes you feel relaxed too.
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