Your Questions About Baby Care

Lizzie asks…

Baby Shower Dilemma -Does anyone have any other ideas for a baby shower besides playing games?

My daughter is pregnant w/ her 1st child. I’m remarried & so is her father. Therefore, we have a rather large co-ed guest list of about 60-75 ppl. I really want to have a unique shower without being bogged down with alot of boring baby shower games. How can we entertain our guest?

The Expert answers:

It depends on how social the group is and if you can run with non-game activities. However there might be a few ideas that could work.

This could involve guests that are already parents and could be done as couples or paired groups A few game ideas and thoughts – plan an advice share game or activity these take long and are more social, plus they don’t seem like games. Http://

You could have fun with the guys doing silly stuff like
Baby Bottle Drink off is fun and harder than you think. Http:// or a baby changing game or baby food tasting game.

Couples could do the Baby Food Feeding Races or cotton ball games.

Other non-game ideas are build the library, build baby’s first bank, create a scrapbook with well wishes.

If you don’t have shower games, then have things people can do to socialize and share stories.

Good luck

Susan asks…

What are some fun games to play at a baby shower?

My baby shower is next weekend and we are looking for some fun baby shower games to play. Appreciate your suggestions!

The Expert answers:

Baby Word Find- This is a great game that you can print out right at your own computer. All you have to do is think of all the baby related words that you can. Place these words into a grid and fill in the remaining spaces with other random letters. For even more fun, make it a timed game and then whoever completes it the fastest can win a prize.

Baby Word Scramble- For this game, take your list of baby related words or phrases and scramble them up. For example, the word bottle can be scrambled as “toblet”. You can time the guests while unscrambling them and whoever unscrambles the most can win a prize.

Guess the Number- For this game, take a baby bottle and fill it up with candy or a tiny baby related item. Make sure to keep track of how many you fill it up with. At the party, have all the guests guess how many are in the bottle. Whoever correctly guesses, or is closest to, the number gets a prize, such as the filled bottle of candy.

My Baby’s Famous- If the parent’s already have a named picked out for the baby, or at least have a few in mind, this is a great baby shower game. For this game, have the guests write down as many famous people who share the name as they can in 3-5 minutes. Other variations of this game can be famous people with the mothers name or the father’s name. You can also do this with whatever middle name is chosen for the baby.

If you want more baby shower games check out the website or look at for 77 baby games you can print out.

Lisa asks…

Any good suggestions for baby shower games that would be fun for both sexes?

Im having a co ed baby shower and was wondering what kind of games would be fun for older and younger couples. And what was your favorite baby shower game? Which game had the highest ratings from your guests? Did you guys make your showers color themed? Did anybody happen to have their baby before their shower? Did you have one anyways? lol. sorry so many questions. Like i said in my other question. Im bored lol. And im looking up fun game ideas.

The Expert answers:

When i through my sister it was coed and we played

baby bingo, dirty diaper game. Make a baby name using the letters of the first name of the mom and dad to be

for example : Kimberely & brian = Kain for a boy & Breina for a girl

get it ?

Also the baby food game get baby food and they have to guess what it is : green pea, squash my sis loved this game.

Baby bingo is easy and you dont have to buy it you can get it online.

Get as many things as you can of line or see if someone has hand me down games.

Also you cant say baby or cross your leg game.

**** also i did this because it very sweet my sister was having a boy
so i got blue post it cards the big kind and had every single person write down 3 pieces of baby advice and ask them to write there name on it and on the back put how they felt when they found out you where pregnant. And then i put them on a little thing where you can flip through it . My sister loved it. It had great advice and see just loved reading everybodys advice.

Charles asks…

Is 3 hours too short for a baby shower? Baby shower games?

I want to have it from 3pm-6pm… Is this too late and too short?
I also hate baby shower games because they are so cheesy, but I don’t want the guests to be bored.
What to do? What to do?

The Expert answers:

Thats plenty hun. People will most likely leave before 6 anyway..just to let you know. Play good music, good food always makes people want to stay btw!

Joseph asks…

Who has good ideas for baby shower games?

I need some fun baby shower games. Who can give me some good ideas? And has anyone heard of a game where you use food and guess the body part? Ex: a piece of macaroni stands for the babys elbow.

The Expert answers:

Potatoe game. Have all the ladies put a potatoe between their legs and walk with it to the othere side of the room w/o dropping it, and drop it into a bowl. Whoever can do this the fastest w/o dropping the potaoe before getting to the bowl wins a prize. Another game is getting laundry clips in one hand and using the one hand to clip onto a hanger, w/o dropping the clips see how many the ladies can clip the pins to the hanger with only one hand. Whoever gets the most pinned wins a prize. Last game. Take toilet paper and have the ladies guess how big the mom is around the belly w/o touching her. Whoever guesses the closest wins. These games were played at my baby shower and we had a blast !!!!

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