Your Questions About Baby Care

Helen asks…

Which are some genuine sites to register for free baby stuff samples & coupons?

I am expecting a baby in another month and was wondering what are some of the genuine sites to register for some free baby stuff samples & coupons? I already registered at baby center and also for american baby.

Appreciate your time and help!

The Expert answers:

I would register at Pampers or huggies which ever you are going to use and babys r us. Also the hospital will give you tons of coupons when you leave. Well at least our hospital did. Another place I get coupons from is ebay. People actually cut them out and sell them in categories for very cheap. Congrats on the baby!

Donna asks…

What sites can you get free baby stuff on?

My friend wants me to find sites she can get free baby stuff on like diapers, wipes, toys, clothes anything thanks!

The Expert answers:

Sign up for any baby clubs you can find. Most of them give free stuff or samples. The similac and publix ones are really good and give discount coupons and checks for the first year. Even if she breast feeds its a good idea to have some formula just in case, plus the formula companies offer free diaper bags.


Carol asks…

How do i sign up for free baby stuff?

Alot of people get free baby stuff sent to their HOME but im not sure where to go to sign up for some coupons and free samples of baby stuff. Any one no of any websites to go to and join. Please Help, Thanks Brittany.

The Expert answers:

I would just suggest googling “free baby samples”….surely you can find something that way.

Lisa asks…

Where can I get printable coupons for free baby stuff?

Where can I print coupons out to get free baby stuff? Any help is appreciated!

The Expert answers:

Check over at…. Http://
they might have what you are looking for..

Sandra asks…

Can you really get free baby stuff or is it just a way to get you to give up your email address and info?

I signed up for some “free baby stuff” sites and now I get alot of these emails saying “free coupons” or “free baby gifts” and “free diapers”, ect. I have complied with a couple of the surveys until I get to the point where I have to actually make a purchase of something I don’t want or give out my cc info. Has anyone ever actually gotten any of these “free” offers without the hassle? Usually, all I end up with is more junk emails and more bogus offers. Suggestions on good sites that don’t require you to give so much personal info??? I’d even take diaper coupons and things like that as long as I don’t have to buy something first or commit to something I don’t want, like an estimate or a sales phone call.
Thanks, in advance!

The Expert answers:

No I have never done those things. When I was pregnant I called every 800 number on every baby package I could get my hands on and asked to be put on their mailing lists. I ended up with lots of coupons and free samples. I often got free formula from carnation.

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