Your Questions About Baby Care

Michael asks…

What do you buy a newborn baby boy….?

who already has everything!?!

His parents (I am friends with mum) have bought him possibly all they could find relating to babies. I think he has all the clothes and toys he needs.

I am hoping to meet him soon but don’t want to show up empty handed or with something that’s not going to be used.

Any original ideas?
Thank you guys 🙂

I love the book idea, Answering Engineer, where do I get hold of these books? By the way I live in th UK, so anywhere that I can order them from here?

The Expert answers:

If you have the time to do it, make a calendar online (snap-fish or one of those sites will let you do it pretty cheap). Give it to new mom and baby and tell mom its for her to hang in the nursery and write on daily when the baby does special things or when people come to visit or stuff like that just to have a record for later. My friend does it for her twins and they are two now she did it for their whole first year and it ended up being an adorable keepsake, I plan on doing it with my son once he comes =).
Hopefully that helps!!
Here’s the one she bought and it works great, check it out if you want. I’m sure you can get it shipped to you in the UK.

Linda asks…

Clothes for baby boys?

Where can I find baby boy clothes that AREN’T cover in cars/puppy’s/dinosaurs? It seems like all the newborn/infant boy clothes I find are trying too hard to be cute. Does anyone know of a brand or store that sells clothes that look cute but don’t have stupid little creatures on them? I’m looking for normal looking clothes that just happen to be really small lol. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Haha! When you find out what store carries these, let me know if they have clothes for girls that won’t compare my daughter to food. She isn’t daddy’s little cupcake.

Steven asks…

When can we start using baby wipes on our newborn boy?

Our little boy is 4 days old, and we were advised not to use baby wipes after his circumcision was performed. They did not tell us when we WOULD be able to use wipes on him and I was just curious if it is only because of the circumcision, or are there other factors that lead to not using wipes right away?

We were wondering how long until we can use the wipes mostly because we have so many boxes of them and we are going through too many wash clothes to clean him at change time!

Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Circumcision??? What are you, in some sort of cult?

Richard asks…

Hi, Wife is 24 weeks pregnant , help us where we can buy prams,cots,clothes for baby boy?

Hi, We are new to UK we are residing in Gateshead ,New Castle. My wife is 24 weeks pregnant and we are looking out for prams, baby cots, clothes for the newborn. This is our first baby have no idea where we could get all this, we did look into Mothercare looks kind off expensive. We recently moved so we know no one here so we are not havin baby shower. So please help us where we can get all this baby stuff at an affordable pricing and yet not compromising on the quality. Thanks once again.
My wife due date is in early June
No Second hand please we want to buy new stuff

The Expert answers:

Try Argos, Asda and Ikea for cheaper cots and prams. Asda and Tescos also sell clothing and most of their items are really cheap.

Lizzie asks…

stuff i need for a newborn baby boy?

im 29 weeks and i want to prepare my self for my little boy! what do i need?? no baby shower for me so i’ll be getting the stuff all by my self.

i have 2 brand new NB clothes
a 6oz bottle that i got for free from motherhood maternity LOL
a stroller
a crip

i will be getting some:
more bottles
car seat
more cute little outfits

… that’s all i could think of, am i missing something on the list?

The Expert answers:


Don’t buy too many clothes. I never had a baby shower but still managed to get so many gifts of clothes and toys. Also it depends if your planning to breastfeed.If you are then no need for any bottles but If not then you need steralising equipment and formula too.

New born babies generally dont need a bib (especially if breastfed)
But get plenty of blankets and wraps because my baby manages to wee on every blanket somehow.

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