Maria asks…
where is a good place to go baby shopping online?
The Expert answers:
Well it depends what you’re shopping for.
Furniture, clothes, bottles?
Robert asks…
Can you name some good baby stores in NZ with online shopping and quick delivery?
Need to get a pressie to a friend in Auckland by next weekend. Shopping online from uk.
The Expert answers:
Its got all the major baby stores loaded on there, but it can be a bit slow
If you spend over $60 there, I think you get free shipping too…
Donald asks…
What’s a good online shopping site for baby apparels and toys?
I live in Hong Kong and would like to find a reputable and extensive site that can ship baby toys and apparel over here at a reasonable cost. Thanks.
The Expert answers:
Toys r us
George asks…
What is the best website for shopping for baby clothes online?
I’m looking for cute stuff at great prices.
Any good sites?
The Expert answers:
Where are you located? I found that Children’s place was the best place to shop for things online. They have very cute clothes and I didn’t pay full price for any of them. I was looking for a jacket for my daughter for 0-3 months and no one carries them that small, but found one on that website and it is the cutest jacket ever. I bought a bunch of other stuff from there as well.
Old Navy is another good place where you can either go to the store or shop online.
Helen asks…
online baby shopping withdrawal!?
my baby girl is 4 months old and i’ve had SO much fun these last few months shopping for and buying all kinds of cool/cute/useful baby stuff online… unfortunately i’ve done TOO good a job shopping and now i’ve run out of things to buy for baby! i’m seriously suffering from withdrawal or something
can anyone recommend some good UNIQUE websites that sell interesting baby stuff that i can buy? i like to buy little accessories and gadgets (not clothes!).. for instance, i love the right start’s website &… no ordinary suggestions like or please!
The Expert answers:
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